<i>Can anyone give an update on whats been happening as a result of this thread? Obviously Daniel has been appointed as community liaison but has there been much progress in the dev and documentation?</i>
We've been working on getting a developer's sqlcvs running and getting the repository compile to be self-hosted on a LinuxMCE machine. sqlcvs documentation has been written, but not much other developer documentation. In particular if you want to help it would be great if you could assemble a script and a doxygen config to generate documentation from the source (which has plenty of doxygen documentation.)
FYI You can check out the latest public sources by following the directions at
http://svn.charonmedia.org, I will be syncing these from the sources being used for 0710 soon.
<i>An important document to get written would be a system architecture document, that describes the whole system, not just the DCERouter (I'm referring specifically here to the boot scripts and other distro specific details like the sources list pointing to the hard disk) all the way through to the messaging protocol used by the DCERouter. While it is undoubtedly a big task, i think its i probably essential to get started.</i>
I agree, but you should probably get started with a few of the major components before writing an overview. Getting the doxygen documentation going should be the first step, so that we can refer to this from the overview document.
<i>Has someone been appointed as head of documentation and have efforts already started to make this happen?</i>
No. As soon someone picks up the baton and starts working on it they will become the documentation coordinator.