Author Topic: Fail on installation  (Read 16575 times)


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Re: Fail on installation
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2007, 05:35:48 am »
Ok, I tried to add "#" in front of formatpartitions and when I typed :wq (enter) i get this error
E45: 'read only' option is set (add ! to override)


It's actually CTRL-ALT-F2 which should switch you to another screen that reads something like:

linuxmce: #

From there you will need to follow the aforementioned instructions.


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Re: Fail on installation
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2007, 07:53:27 pm »
I still can't figure ou what line to comment out.

Ok, I tried to add "#" in front of formatpartitions and when I typed :wq (enter) i get this error
E45: 'read only' option is set (add ! to override)


It's actually CTRL-ALT-F2 which should switch you to another screen that reads something like:

linuxmce: #

From there you will need to follow the aforementioned instructions.


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Re: Fail on installation
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2007, 03:59:28 pm »
Hello all,

it's necessary to go at the end of the file and put this # before the Formatpartition line and than save with this sequence command
and press enter

I had the same problem with the dvd iso burned and checked with the right md5sum.
But when I relunch the script the procedure start correctly but and a certain time of the tar process the script fail cause an non corret EOF archive.

Did someone else encounter this strange problem?

I repeat 3 times the procedure and the result is always the same.

Best regards,



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[SOLVED] Re: Fail on installation
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2007, 01:24:27 am »
Okay, here is the definitive answer on how to solve this problem.
First, let me recommend using nano (a text editor) instead on vi. VI makes complete sense for those who have used before but it just wastes everyone's time trying to explain how to use it.
Here are the steps to take:

1. cntrl+2 will get you to another virtual console. You will see a $ (standard user) prompt. You need to have root access in order to edit the file and save it.
2. $sudo -i  The prompt will now change to a # meaning you have root access
3. #nano /usr/bin/  You will now be in the nano editor editing the file.
4. Here's the 'tricky' part. this script has functions listed at the top so if you scan for formatPartitions, you will find it towards to top of the file. HOWEVER, search again almost at the end of the file and you'll see a list of commands. One of those is formatPartitions. (It appears on it's own line) THAT is the line you must comment out by placing a # in front of it.
5. place a # sign in front of that formatPartitions command. So that it looks like this
6. save the file using ctrl+o (WriteOut) and exit the nano application (Now you should be back at the # command prompt.)
7. type in #/usr/bin/  (the installer will rerun and it won't get hung up this time)

DEVELOPER QUESTION: Can we get this fixed? I have no idea why this is happening, but it's causing quite a few headaches for some of us.


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Re: Fail on installation
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2008, 04:17:09 am »
Hello all,
  Well I too had this similar problem of the installation stopping when it got too /dev/hd5  or something another.  I edited the file and got a couple steps further it seems.   I believe all of the archives were extracted properly but it stalls out again at:

tar : Read checkpoint  500000
tar : Read checkpoint  510000
tar : Read checkpoint  520000
tar : Read checkpoint  530000
/dev/hda1 : UID="6f5c18dd-4187-455d-8f8f-9a2f3c5178d5" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
/dev/hda5 : TYPE="swap" UUID="e640c39a-65d1-46f9-a081-bd5a50d140f6"
Probing devices to guess BIOS drivers.  This may take a long time.

So either I'm impatient and not waiting long enough or something screwy is going on.  What do the experts think? 

Lets see the system specs are:
Motherboard ASUS A7N8X
Athlon XP 2400
1GB memory
80GB Western Digital IDE harddrive
ATI 9800 AIW PRO 128MB  (god this card causes me so much pain in linux)


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Re: Fail on installation
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2008, 04:20:00 am »
haha I'm impatient

finally went past that point  Thanks for your help on the editing