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Nokia 770 Orbiter

Started by dopey, July 25, 2007, 08:50:19 AM

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The new version of LMCE Orbiter 0704 is available on the maemo garage -
Michael Stepanov,
My setup: [url=""][/url]
Russian LinuxMCE community: [url=""][/url]


Sorry to sound naive, but what functions are you able to use the 770 for with LMCE?


Quote from: mrothwell on August 29, 2007, 07:55:27 PM
Sorry to sound naive, but what functions are you able to use the 770 for with LMCE?

You can run on Nokia770/N800 LMCE Orbiter similar to on-screen Orbiter on the media director. LMCE allows to use any Windows-based PC to run the Orbiter. But UMPC such Samsung Q1 or Tablet PC like TabletKiosk Sahara too expensive (from $900). You can buy Nokia770 just for $140, the latest N800 - ~$400.
Michael Stepanov,
My setup: [url=""][/url]
Russian LinuxMCE community: [url=""][/url]


I bought an n770 to use as an orbiter but I'm having trouble following the instructions on the site in order to install it.
Basically, I flashed the device with the latest 2006 OS, installed most of the dependencies, figured out how to put the device into "red pill" mode, installed the rest of the dependencies, but when I try to install the orbiter package itself, there is an unresolved dependency (libxmu6) which I am having a devil of a time tracking down. I see from posts in other forums that folks have had similar problems, even to the point where some kind sole posted up a copy for others to use. Naturally, it was posted on a "free" download site and has since expired and so is no longer available.
I'm hoping I'm going to be able to avoid installing a dev environment on a ubunto box just to build this one application ...
Any help appreciated ...



My bad ... I see in a previous post that the libxmu6 is "hidden" in the "bora" repository.
I added that repository and now I have a working orbiter on n770 ... now, as soon as I get my fiire station (, I'll be able to test it.



Thant's good, tonycowan, that you managed to install the Orbiter. libxmu6 is added to bora repository only but it works fine with OS 2006. I'd like to suggest you to try OS2007 Hacker Edition. It offers some useful features such as automatic connection to WiFi access point and big number ported libraries..
Michael Stepanov,
My setup: [url=""][/url]
Russian LinuxMCE community: [url=""][/url]


Ok, it's been a while since I lasted posted on this subject. But I've recently got some time to work on it so here it goes:

I know I said I would install OS2006 to see if that helps my stability problem. Before I did that, however, I figured I'd gather some more information about what the orbiter is acutally doing as it has issues.

It can take anywhere between 3 - 20 seconds (never less) for anything to happen when you press a button on the orbiter. I ran top and noticed that maemo-launcher constantly eats up 25-50% of the CPU. I was able to get to the video screen where it listed all the videos (after waiting about 20 seconds). The video screen was very slow at operating anything. When selecting a video it completely locks up. I was running top while it was doing this and I noticed that the media player was running. Of course, that's as far as I can get as it's becomes unresponsive at that point.

That's when it's in it's "working" state. It often crashes completely and will even take xterm with it at times. One time I noticed after it completely crashed I lost net connection (ssh died and couldn't connect) even though the WLAN monitor said I was connected. Once I disconnected and reconnected I was able to ssh back into it.

I'm going to try OS2006 in a bit, but I'm going to take a break from this one for a little while.


2dopey: please, run the orbiter from the xterm and store all output in the file:
Orbiter -r <core IP> -d <Orbiter ID> > ~/MyDocs/.documents/orbiter.log 2>&1
and send me the file or attach it here.
Michael Stepanov,
My setup: [url=""][/url]
Russian LinuxMCE community: [url=""][/url]


any news on this? The Orbiter ran insanely slow for me as well on OS2007-HackerEdition, performance improved when i moved to for stability, it seems only occasionally (maybe once a heavy session of pushing buttons, the orbiter will lose connection with the router, at which point it drops me back to a login screen, I hit connect again, and all is well....



I just got Nokia770 back. So, I'll able to play with it a bit. N800 works fast and stable (much more than 770).
Michael Stepanov,
My setup: [url=""][/url]
Russian LinuxMCE community: [url=""][/url]


Sorry, I do want to do this and send you the log, but my core died yesterday. I'm had to re-enable one of my other routers just to get the net back up. Hopefully I'll have my core back up and running by tomorrow... of course that assumes that only the power supply died and it didn't take the motherboard with it... If I have to buy another motherboard then I'm it might take longer -- I put a lot of thought into the kind of motherboards I get.


Quote from: dopey on September 08, 2007, 06:19:02 AM
Ok, it's been a while since I lasted posted on this subject. But I've recently got some time to work on it so here it goes:

I know I said I would install OS2006 to see if that helps my stability problem. Before I did that, however, I figured I'd gather some more information about what the orbiter is acutally doing as it has issues.

It can take anywhere between 3 - 20 seconds (never less) for anything to happen when you press a button on the orbiter. I ran top and noticed that maemo-launcher constantly eats up 25-50% of the CPU. I was able to get to the video screen where it listed all the videos (after waiting about 20 seconds). The video screen was very slow at operating anything. When selecting a video it completely locks up. I was running top while it was doing this and I noticed that the media player was running. Of course, that's as far as I can get as it's becomes unresponsive at that point.

That's when it's in it's "working" state. It often crashes completely and will even take xterm with it at times. One time I noticed after it completely crashed I lost net connection (ssh died and couldn't connect) even though the WLAN monitor said I was connected. Once I disconnected and reconnected I was able to ssh back into it.

I'm going to try OS2006 in a bit, but I'm going to take a break from this one for a little while.

I got nite_man's N770 Orbiter running on our N770 under OS2006 (latest release) a day or so back. I had a few problems with getting the correct repos added but nite_man helped with that!

It works really nicely and my experience is that under OS2006 it s pretty stable. It has failed a few times but often this was when several reload routers were done in quick succession and also sometimes I  think the WiFi connection can the problem.

Overall its great and everyone that has seen it has loved it.
Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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well for me, it takes on average about 2 to 4 seconds for a screen update under OS2006 when changing screens... is this normal?

Also, for some reason, the orbiter will randomly stop responding, and drop out to the log-in screen again. I can press start orbiter again, and it will log back in with no problems, but I find myself doing this quite frequently..again is this normal???

I wanted to use OS2007, but for some reason, the last time I did, it was sooo much slower. :-( I hope this thing can be faster someday, the 770/N800 make a GREAT orbiter, especially for non-media home control.



Quote from: tschak909 on September 15, 2007, 05:41:12 PM
well for me, it takes on average about 2 to 4 seconds for a screen update under OS2006 when changing screens... is this normal?

Also, for some reason, the orbiter will randomly stop responding, and drop out to the log-in screen again. I can press start orbiter again, and it will log back in with no problems, but I find myself doing this quite frequently..again is this normal???

I wanted to use OS2007, but for some reason, the last time I did, it was sooo much slower. :-( I hope this thing can be faster someday, the 770/N800 make a GREAT orbiter, especially for non-media home control.


Our experience is of the speed of screen updates ie when changing from the home menu to say the lighting floorplan is takes on average about 1-2 secs to update the screen. Responses to commands ie 'Play'  or 'Pause' DVD or swtiching channels on TV is that the commands are as fast as they would be on an MD.

Nite_man has both the N770 and the N800 and he feels the N800 is significantly fatster and more stable. My feeling is that some of the situations where you are dumped back into the log-in screen are caused by WiFi issues... the Orbiter code is intolerant of this kind of connectivity drop-out. This is an area where I think the Orbiter code needs some work.

But overall its far better than the WinCE Orbiter... and in our experience more stable and importantly provides the full UI1 Orbiter UI on a very well designed and engineered piece of hardware. Just compare what companies like AMX etc charge for kind of capability!!!
Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

Get Dianemo-Rpi2 ARM Licenses [url=""][/url]

Get RaspSqueeze-CEC or Raspbmc-CEC for Dianemo/LinuxMCE: [url=""][/url]

Facebook: [url=""][/url]



dude! my access 7....feet.....away.....

and you're telling me it's wifi issues? ....jeebus... if it were in another room, i might buy that.
