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Hooking in music & my iPod

Started by wierdbeard65, July 24, 2007, 01:32:10 PM

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I had just about settled on using LinuxMCE in my home when my wife bought us each an iPod shuffle for use at the gym.

I've installed iTunes and hit a load of "issues" which I suspect, if the iPod were integrated into MCE, would simply go away.

First up, I'm not really that interested in downloading music from the 'net (at least not at the moment!), more in ripping my CD collection.

The problem I have with iTunes is that we each have a PC and are busily ripping our CDs so we can bung them on our iPods. A lot of these are ending up being ripped by both of us! I know iTunes can share music, but you can't put music from someone else's iTunes on your iPod. Also, I can't see her music unless iTunes is running on her machine. I want it on the server!


How much is music playback integrated into Pluto? Can I rip my entire CD collection into the app, set up playlists, play back from any Media Director and also upload to the iPod? Can any / all of this be done now? If not, what are the plans for the future?

Many thanks,

If you have the time to help, please see where I have got to at: [url=""][/url]


you can rip your audio cd collection with LMCE and then transfer the music to the ipod. there is no special option to upload the music to the ipod but, LMCE is running on top of Kubuntu and you can go there and transfer the audio files to the ipod very easy.
Read the F****** Logs!!!


Thanks for the rapid reply!

Sorry to appear thick, here, but does thast mean I have to copy the music files (MP3's or whatever) to the iPod as though it were a removable disk, or will MCE recognise the iPod as a removable media player and allow me to upload a playlist?

If you have the time to help, please see where I have got to at: [url=""][/url]


because the ipod can be used as a usb storage device also, it will be detected by LMCE and added automatically as an internal hdd.
Read the F****** Logs!!!


Thanks :-)

Unfortunately, whilst I can cope with that, it gives a very low WAF!

Any plans to more closely integrate protable devices (like iPods) into MCE? What I'd like to be abel to do is to is pretty much the same as I can in iTunes, but with a shared media library (shared both across users and across machines). I.E. set up playlists and then either play them on an MD or send to my iPod.

If you have the time to help, please see where I have got to at: [url=""][/url]


I trashed iTunes- Floola is a much better way of handing your iPod media...