1.In generally all devices that are controlled by LMCE using the Network Interface, must be connected to the Internal LAN!!!!!!!
2.After you've connected the GC100 to the Internal LAN Interface (first reset it to factory defaults, then connect it to the internal lan, then press the Add GC100 button from the Advanced screen)
3.Open a browser, type the IP address of your COre in the address bar, login with your LMCE user and password.
4.Go to "Wizard -> Devices -> A/V Equipment" . Press "Add Device", select " Amps/Preamp/Receivers/Tuners" from the "Device Category" drop-down then press "Apply filter" button.
5.Select your amplifier from the "Device Template" drop-down and then press "Pick Device Template". And your device will be added to the lmce system.
<<< If your device isn't listed here you have to create a new gsd device, and to control it by RS232 you need to write some Ruby code. >>>
6. In the "Room / Controlled by" column select the room where this amp is and the device that controls it. If you want to control it by I/R select GC100, if you want to control it by RS232 select the "COM Port on PC" on which it's connected, and on the Controlled by select the PC to which it's attached.
7.Do a Quick Reload router and you should be able to control your amp.