I do not have a /var/www/lmce-admin/skins at all.
Getting puzzled how you have this set up
Can I ask more about the network config please, by the sounds of it you have this working before? What changed?
The QOrbiter is hanging off a wifi access point on the pfsense box and also on the internal network? Please clarify because this seems a bit contradictory if the Qorbiter is trying to access the core going through the 'external' IP address, say 192.168.1.x.
What is providing the DHCP to the QOrbiter, the pfsense box or the lmce core?
There are probably a lot of different ways to set this up.
The way I have seen to do this are as follows:
1. wifi off your pfsense box
you will need rules and nat set up properly, maybe even port forwarding, if you get this to work please post how, i tried this method and think i hit the same issues as you did but that was a while ago.
2. wifi access point/bridge in the internal network
how I have currently, some docs on lmce wiki and elsewhere how to set up a wifi bridge
3. VPN
I have had this working on and off but the default config needs some small tweaks I think, which is scattered all over the forums and web.
this require set up VPN in android or the device connecting to a interface that has the udp 500 port forwarded to the lmce ext interface. the android device will appear as on the internal network 192.168.80.x once connected through the encrypted tunnel. as a bonus one can have this on 3g/4g roaming and access your lmce network from outside by QOrbiter / SIP/ lmce-admin / orbiter etc.
Probably more ways but getting this crystal clear what you plan to do may allow more help. The VPN route is best and most secure IMHO but needs some love in the default config, especially for android.
HTH some