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Possible Q Orbitor Issues

Started by CentralMedia, December 06, 2018, 02:18:26 AM

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Not to sure if this link is still active.

I installed the Q Orbitor available on the core, onto my Andriod Phone, a One Plus 3 and S7. After setting it up, I am unable to see any scenarios, no lights, media options, telecom. When I click on lights, it shows now devices available. The lights are available on the MD orbitor, windows orbitor and the Web Orbitor 2.0. Added a floor plan today, as a just in case.

I have cleared the settings, regen multiple times and re-installed. Even installed it on my kids fire tablet, which is s 7" screen, same issue

Any thoughts?


I have no idea what the current state of qorbiter is myself.  I have one running in my house but haven't uploaded it in some time.  It mostly shows pictures on the kitchen.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

My setup: [url=""][/url]


In looking through the post for testers. I see reference to the need to install the skins. I checked my install, that directory not there. Tried to the the checkout, but got an error

in the /var/www/lmce-admin/skins there should be

If thats not there, something is not being setup right.

See checkout failure. Is this even still required?

dcerouter_1551:~# svn co                                                _src/qml/android/ /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/
Redirecting to URL '':
Redirecting to URL '':
svn: E175009: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E175009: XML Parsing failed: Unexpected root element 'html'

What led me to this, on tailing the DCErounter.log, seeing on the following, when I click a scenario, lets say lights

05      12/29/18 21:17:35.588           An orbiter sent the media handler message type: 1 id: 68, but there's no stream in ea 4 <0x89471b40>
08      12/29/18 21:17:40.673           Received Message from 108 (QOrbiter Device / Bedroom (Master)) to 4 (General Info Plug-in / Closet/Storage Space), type 1 id 71 Command:Request File, retry none, parameters: <0x56ef6b40>
08      12/29/18 21:17:40.673             Parameter 13(Filename): 1.png <0x56ef6b40>
01      12/29/18 21:17:40.673           requested missing file: 1.png <0x92483b40>



I use the QOrbiter on android on a phone (LineageOS 14.1 - Android 7.1) and a tablet, also android 7. All I did was install the apk provided by the download link in the lmce-admin. I haven't needed to mess with skins or anything like that, I think they are provided over the network. There is an option in the Qorbiter settings screen for something to do with skins but I have never altered it.

Please could you provide more info about your network, for example what subnet the QOrbiter devices are on, if they are in the same network as the internal - 192.168.80.x or external. From what I remember having a similar problem before it was communication issue between the core and qorbiter, maybe a firewall or routing issue? What android version are these devices?

As it stands for me right now I can control lights, execute scenarios and view cameras etc which is what I mainly use it for.

Edit: forgot to mention this is on 14.04


I am running 14.04. Downloaded the apk from the LNMCE admin page and installed it, had to set to unknown sources to do the install.

I have it running on S7 and a OnePlus 3, their Andriod Version is 8.0. Had it on a Fire Tablet also, the one for the kids, that currently stopped working over the weekend.  All were on the external network, I have also tested it on the external network,  as the core is not connected directly to my internet source, it's behind a pfsense box on the lan. I disabled the firewall for the external interface when I installed the system earlier last yr.

When I launch the Qribtor, I see nothing under the tabs for lights, media, for the room which has lights and an MD (raspberry). For lights, I don't see the on/off scenario tab.

Is it possible for you to check see if you anything in the following

Also if you get the message I am getting, which I am getting, when I click lights for example
requested missing file: 1.png <0x92483b40>

If it's the same as my own, nothing, then that quickly rules out that as cause.


I do not have a /var/www/lmce-admin/skins at all.

Getting puzzled how you have this set up :)
Can I ask more about the network config please, by the sounds of it you have this working before? What changed?

The QOrbiter is hanging off a wifi access point on the pfsense box and also on the internal network? Please clarify because this seems a bit contradictory if the Qorbiter is trying to access the core going through the 'external' IP address, say 192.168.1.x.
What is providing the DHCP to the QOrbiter, the pfsense box or the lmce core?

There are probably a lot of different ways to set this up.
The way I have seen to do this are as follows:

1. wifi off your pfsense box
you will need rules and nat set up properly, maybe even port forwarding, if you get this to work please post how, i tried this method and think i hit the same issues as you did but that was a while ago.

2. wifi access point/bridge in the internal network
how I have currently, some docs on lmce wiki and elsewhere how to set up a wifi bridge

3. VPN
I have had this working on and off but the default config needs some small tweaks I think, which is scattered all over the forums and web.
this require set up VPN in android or the device connecting to a interface that has the udp 500 port forwarded to the lmce ext interface. the android device will appear as on the internal network 192.168.80.x once connected through the encrypted tunnel. as a bonus one can have this on 3g/4g roaming and access your lmce network from outside by QOrbiter / SIP/ lmce-admin / orbiter etc.

Probably more ways but getting this crystal clear what you plan to do may allow more help. The VPN route is best and most secure IMHO but needs some love in the default config, especially for android.

HTH some


I do not have a /var/www/lmce-admin/skins at all.
Ok thanks, so that rules out that theory

Getting puzzled how you have this set up :)
Can I ask more about the network config please, by the sounds of it you have this working before? What changed?

Haven't had it working at all, since I setup the Qorbitor. It shows lights, media, etc. but when you click on it, it shows no scenarios within each.

The QOrbiter is hanging off a wifi access point on the pfsense box and also on the internal network? Please clarify because this seems a bit contradictory if the Qorbiter is trying to access the core going through the 'external' IP address, say 192.168.1.x.
What is providing the DHCP to the QOrbiter, the pfsense box or the lmce core?

The phones with the qorbitor is on the wifi, connected to lnmce network Getting an IP from that network. Also have an ethernet to wireless bridge , connected to the same wifi access point, which the gc-100 is broadcasting and a firetv has a wired connection to. Both work, so the internal network (lnmce) works.

The orbitor connects fine. You see the options light, media, security, etc. But you don't see any scenarios for the lights or within media


From the information provided, my guess is it's either a network configuration problem or something to do with the Android versions. I haven't tried QOrbiter on Android 8 yet, though I don't see why there would be a network problem like this if the QOrbiter works otherwise, It has worked for me from android 4.x ish.

I have had a similar problem with the QOrbiter running and showing the main screen but not any devices like lights etc. I do not remember what the problem was but I remember my network config was different then, most things seems to work in the QOrbiter for me at the moment but I have the bridge connected to the internal LMCE network not off my router box like yourself.

If I were you I would run pcap or wireshark or some packet sniffer on the device and core if you can, also check the pfsense/firewall logs while the QOrbiter is connecting. Doing that may show if any traffic is being sent and not receiving a reply and may help diagnose the problem.

Only other thing I can think of is removing the settings files QOrbiter creates (on the android device) and starting over.

Can't think of much else at the moment.


The bridge is an ethernet to wireless bridge, which is on the lnmce internal network ( I have all the phones on the lnmce internal network. I have two access points, separate ssd's, one on the lnmce internal network and one on the pfsense network. All the testing I doing now, is on the lnmce internal network.

I cleared the settings and restarted the app, but not luck.

I am going to check the wiki and create a new qorbitor on the core, maybe it's something I did incorrectly there. I just went under orbitor, create qorbitor and followed the instructions


No knowledge on Andriod development.

If I install the Eclipse IDE, would it work to launch the app and debug?

Got an error today, "Screen Error Click Return".


For your information: qOrbiter was developed using QtCreator - I am fairly sure there are some debug abilities with that already setup.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


Installing the qt IDE at present.
Saw one of the folders seem related to lnmce, so i selected it. Will let you know how it goes


One more thing.

The QOrbiter was added on the core first, before running the QOrbiter on the android device?

Maybe you could try on the android device, deleting settings left over to remove any chance of conflict, then delete the QOrbiters on the core and quick reload the router. Once all the settings are nuked try loading the QOrbiter again without doing anything on the core.

I could be wrong but adding the QObiter first on the core may confuse things, should the QOrbiter not be automatically detected by the core when it first runs? I think that's how it should be but I'm not 100% about that.


Yes the orbitor was added on core first.

Tried what you suggested, but gives errors on pone

Detected problems with app native libraries
(please consult log for detail) unauthorized access to "" unauthorized access to ""


Also when I clicked create new in the app, there is not further options except Click to change name.

The error listed previously, comes after the steps above