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AVWizard Problem (Fresh Installation) [solved]

Started by G.I.R., November 15, 2017, 04:24:01 PM

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Quote from: posde on November 28, 2017, 08:03:46 PM
As I told golgoj4 yesterday in IRC, make sure that if you do have a specific version of the nVidia driver you use, change it in *both* scripts. AND Please report back if it helps.
Hmmm. Didn't know about I never had to modify it to resolve my install issues.

Thanks for the info.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


weekly i try to install.... no chance... it loops when trying the nvidia.

Any solution in sight?

With best regards,


Quote from: pw44 on December 01, 2017, 06:50:10 PM
weekly i try to install.... no chance... it loops when trying the nvidia.

Any solution in sight?

With best regards,
Can you verify that the nvidia driver is loading?

lsmod | grep nvidia

If "nvidia" is not listed from the command, you must look into dmesg to see what is going on with the driver not loading

dmesg | grep -i nvidia

The above command should list several lines of information.  One line should indicate what driver is trying to load  (304.xx, 340.xx, 352.xx, or 361.xx where xx is a number)   if the driver is failing to load, you should see a message stating that your card is not supported by the driver or some other reason for failure to load.

If the driver is loading as indicated by lsmod comnand, try forcing a re-execute of AVWIZARD by running the command



modify /etc/pluto.conf as indicated in this thread, delete any xorg.conf file in /etc/X11. Then reboot

If this still does not work, then you have to look in system logs and look for errors that you can provide in this thread

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


i tried to mess a little bit with but i don`t know what to change there for loading a specific driver.

is this the right part?

InstallVideoDriver() {
local prop_driver="$1"

case "$prop_driver" in

# nVidia cards
if ! PackageIsInstalled nvidia-173 && ! PackageIsInstalled nvidia-304 && ! PackageIsInstalled nvidia-340 && ! PackageIsInstalled nvidia-352 && ! PackageIsInstalled nvidia-375 ; then
VerifyExitCode "Install Pluto nVidia Driver"
. /usr/pluto/bin/
ConfSet "AVWizardOverride" "1"

i added my "favorite" driver nvidia-375.

ähemm is this okay? i am actually sure that is not enough.

sorry for my poor cracking skills....


Do not add your favourite, but replace your the automatically chosen one with your favourite in and - ie. if your computer wants to install 352 and you want 375, replace 352 with 375 in both files.

Let me know if it helps.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


I had a bit of free time today. I attempted a net-install on equipment I know supports nvidia-340. I edited and and changed all nvidia-xxx greater than 340 to nvidia-340. I have an nvidia 9500 card that requires nvidia 304. I have had driver issues in the past with that card. The issues are not the same. With driver issue AVWizard runs but video is garbled. This issue X starts and displays a mouse cursor then quits. It doesn't display anything but the cursor.
As a backcheck, I net-installed in VirtualBox. The behavior is the same and VB uses a different driver.



i tried a few things, but nothing really seems to work:
tried both 32bit/64bit kubuntu installations.
tried to set the different nvidia-driver versions in and

what i did found in the kern.log after every installation is:

Apr 17 12:21:46 dcerouter kernel: [   66.010184] AVWizard[17376]: segfault at 0 ip 00007ff6db0a8e9a sp 00007fff882098a0 error 4 in[7ff6db0a6000+6000]

so this seems to be the end of my "debugging" skills, sorry.  :)
And i don`t know if this is the cause or just a result ...


IME segfaults have very often pointed to faulty hardware.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


hmm, okay maybe that is a good reason to "invest" i a new graphic card. :)

i know You cannot give recommendations, but i made a quick search and found this one to be good enough for a hplc:

Gigabyte GeForce GT 1030 Low Profile (Silent)

it should be supported by nvidia-384.


The days that nVidia gfx cards where the goto cards, are imho, long gone. See if you can get something with an Intel chip, or if it is a MD only, go and get a Raspberry Pi.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


just a little update:
unfortunately, it is my hybrid/core which won`t let me install a new version.

I bought a Radeon HD 6450 graphic card and tried again.

But it shows the same symptoms including the text in kern.log
May  8 09:53:21 dcerouter kernel: [   90.920259] AVWizard[29826]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f973774ee9a sp 00007fff58836f80 err
or 4 in[7f973774c000+6000

But then it got strange.
I tried the same graphic card with my existing linuxmce installation on the other partition (didnot want to change the card again :) ) and there AVWizard showed up.

ui2 and hdmi audio were no problem.
(except some problems with screensaver not exiting, if using another orbiter than the one on the hybrid)

if i compare the dates, i get this:

fresh installation:
ls -l /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/AVWizard*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3111334 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/AVWizard
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     370 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     656 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    3314 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     952 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    2517 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   18915 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    3435 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     247 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    2351 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   16523 Mär 30  2017 /mnt/device/137/usr/pluto/bin/

old working installation:
ls -l /usr/pluto/bin/AVWizard*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2993723 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/AVWizard
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     370 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     656 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    3314 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     952 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    2517 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   18915 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    3435 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     247 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    2351 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   16523 Dez 11  2015 /usr/pluto/bin/

As i had nothing to loose, i copied these files to the fresh installation but it didn`t work, due to complaining about fglrx.

I also tried an old kubuntu 14.04.1 image without any better result.

The same with an attempt to install it as a virtualbox system on my laptop.

The next i would try is to use an old image from here:

Maybe that is the same route Kramden mentioned?

Is there anything else i could try?

Buying an old intel board/cpu would be another possibility?


Do what I do, run the core without X, and have your MD in an extra machine (for example a Raspberry Pi) - total power usage shouldn't change much.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


thanks, that`s a great idea.
will try that.

i was searching a little bit on the forum and in the wiki about information how to get the installation done.

i will try the dvd installation method and choose the core only option.


As you already have most stuff done, all you need is disable the start of the Media Director part on the core. The needed setting is in /etc/pluto.conf

After that you need to manually add a user and a room in web admin, and you are good to start the MD for the Raspberry Pi, and run the Sarah wizard there.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


okay, thank You!

Now i will just need some time and worse weather. :)

I will report back!