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New pluto.conf option - IgnoreNetworking
I propose a new entry for pluto.conf, namely IgnoreNetworking - whenever IgnoreNetworking is set to 1, all network setup scripts will exit without changing anything. For people who just want LinuxMCE to be part of there existing network, who can live without auto-setup for networking devices etc, this might be a good step.
I like the idea. But it doesn't really deal with your reason, that's simply a firewall thing,lmce network setup is still necessary for those users. Power users that have weird networking requirements would definitely benefit from such an option. So... What is the reason?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
what part of the network setup is still needed?
Dhcp, ext if, int if. Are required to be setup.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
A DHCP server needs to be running. Does it need to run on the DCERouter? Only if you want auto-detection for network devices to work. Granted, most want that eventually, but for people who want to just dip their toes into LinuxMCE I think a pure DCERouter running on a regular Linux machine can already do a lot of things.
If no DHCP server is running on DCERouter, the entries that *a* dhcpd.conf entry for a specific device would need, could be presented to the user, or written into a seperate dhcpd.conf file. Right now, we already create a dhcpd.conf file which contains an import statement at the end, for site specifics that a user might want. We could, extend this, and create importable dhcpd.conf files for each device that we create, and link to those files instead of writing all the data into dhcpd.conf. This small importable dhcpd conf file could than be used by the user on a different dhcpd server easily.
Again, my view on this is, that a lot of things work without overtaking the network part or even the XServer.
Just throwing ideas into the wild here. Feedback VERY much appreciated.
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