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Fixing External Media Identifier

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Hello everyone,

I've been on hiatus for the last year and a half (actually a bit longer), as I needed to take care of other things in my life...but am back now, and squashing bugs on my list.

One of the things I had left in an unfinished state was debugging the reverse engineered External Media Identifier, which identifies CDs and DVDs inserted into the system and tags them appropriately.

Due to (what is now known as) an unusual compiler bug dealing with 64-bit pointer alignment, I had to disable the DVD identification code that I had written which replicated the behavior found in the original External Media Identifier.

This code now works, and I've been able to identify a series of both DVD and CD disks correctly, all of which have corresponding entries in the AMG database.

I need a few people who have DVD and CD collections to ping me, so I can give an External Media Identifier binary to test, and report issues, so that I can finally get this piece dealt with.


Has the DVD playback bug been fixed?  The id worked but playing fails due to dvdcss timing out as EMI would continuously try to id the disk.  Had to do with return data not being correct after the id.  Anyways, wondering if that's been fixed, if it has I'll try to test it.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Interestingly enough, that hasn't recurred since building my dev environments (I have tested on both a 64-bit 1604 and a 32-bit 1404 VM environment, same hardware)..

As it happens, VMWare workstation is proving to be a far more stable environment for development than VirtualBox (and even properly handles compositing)... with the latest, vmware is now detected and handled properly.


Latest i386 binary for 1404 here:


This location is usable without needing to go through hoops to download it from the commandline:


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