every time I do a search in my movies it restart dcerouter. in router logs I see this
01 09/08/16 22:59:25.592 [31;1mQuery failed (Column 'FK_AttributeType' in field list is ambiguous): select DISTINCT PK_Attribute, IF(FK_AttributeType IN (2,3,13,57), IF(Name LIKE 'the %', CONCAT(SUBSTR(Name, 5), ', The'), Name), Name ) AS Name, Description, FK_Picture FROM Attribute JOIN AttributeType ON Attribute.FK_AttributeType=PK_AttributeType JOIN MediaType_AttributeType ON MediaType_AttributeType.FK_AttributeType=PK_AttributeType LEFT JOIN Picture_Attribute ON FK_Attribute=PK_Attribute WHERE Name Like 'w%' AND Identifier>0 AND MediaType_AttributeType.EK_MediaType=5 ORDER BY Name limit 30 (1)[0m <0x9122bb40>
05 09/08/16 22:59:25.592 [33;1mResetting db_wrapper connection[0m <0x9122bb40>
01 09/08/16 22:59:25.593 [31;1mQuery failed (Column 'FK_AttributeType' in field list is ambiguous): select DISTINCT PK_Attribute, IF(FK_AttributeType IN (2,3,13,57), IF(Name LIKE 'the %', CONCAT(SUBSTR(Name, 5), ', The'), Name), Name ) AS Name, Description, FK_Picture FROM Attribute JOIN AttributeType ON Attribute.FK_AttributeType=PK_AttributeType JOIN MediaType_AttributeType ON MediaType_AttributeType.FK_AttributeType=PK_AttributeType LEFT JOIN Picture_Attribute ON FK_Attribute=PK_Attribute WHERE Name Like 'w%' AND Identifier>0 AND MediaType_AttributeType.EK_MediaType=5 ORDER BY Name limit 30 (1)[0m <0x9122bb40>
05 09/08/16 22:59:25.593 [33;1mResetting db_wrapper connection[0m <0x9122bb40>
01 09/08/16 22:59:25.593 [31;1mQuery failed (): select DISTINCT PK_Attribute, IF(FK_AttributeType IN (2,3,13,57), IF(Name LIKE 'the %', CONCAT(SUBSTR(Name, 5), ', The'), Name), Name ) AS Name, Description, FK_Picture FROM Attribute JOIN AttributeType ON Attribute.FK_AttributeType=PK_AttributeType JOIN MediaType_AttributeType ON MediaType_AttributeType.FK_AttributeType=PK_AttributeType LEFT JOIN Picture_Attribute ON FK_Attribute=PK_Attribute WHERE Name Like 'w%' AND Identifier>0 AND MediaType_AttributeType.EK_MediaType=5 ORDER BY Name limit 30 retry: (nil)[0m <0x9122bb40>
Return code: 139
3 09/08/16 22:59:26 DCERouter (server) [1;31mDevice died... count=8/200 dev=DCERouter[1;00m
Thu Sep 8 22:59:26 EDT 2016 died
does this mean my database is wacked?