I tried to manually install my Denon receiver this weekend, so far without success. I added the device to my core manually and configured it using the setup wizard. All of the parameters that I selected appear in the device instance in WebAdmin.
Trying to troubleshoot, I can send commands from WebAdmin by going to Devices -> AV Equipment and selecting AV Properties for the device instance. All of the commands shown in the device template appear, with the content fields blank. Clicking on "Test Code" for any command yields the error: "ERROR: Specified command had empty content." Putting in the ASCII commands from the Denon manual, a pop up appears that says: The command was sent to device #1" but nothing happens.
I have two theories:
1. No codes are inherited from the device template.
2. The SendMessage command sent to the router is not finding the serial port for some reason.
Again, the following works every time, power cycling the device:
/usr/pluto/bin/TestSerialPort -p /dev/ttyS5 -P N81 -b 9600 -t "PWSTANDBY\r\s500mPWON\r" -i 1 -s "MON\r"
Poking around in DCRRouter.log, there are messages related to my receiver instance. I think that these are in response to my attempts to send commands from WebAdmin but I don't really know what they mean. Here are a few lines:
08 09/04/16 18:10:23.561 Received Message from 20 (^[[36;1mOnScreen Orbiter / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 66 (^[[36;1mAVC-A1SRA (RS232) / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 193 \
Command:^[[35;1mOff^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0xb60d4b40>
08 09/04/16 18:10:23.561 Received Message from 20 (^[[36;1mOnScreen Orbiter / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to 66 (^[[36;1mAVC-A1SRA (RS232) / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m), type 1 id 193 \
Command:^[[35;1mOff^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0xb60d4b40>
05 09/04/16 18:10:23.561 ^[[33;1mThe target device 19 (routed to 19) has not registered.^[[0m <0xb60d4b40>
Clues would be welcome. If I need to reinstall the device, or my entire installation, in order to start clean I would be happy to do so.