Author Topic: Zwave motion detector is not giving state  (Read 2704 times)


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Zwave motion detector is not giving state
« on: March 09, 2016, 11:52:33 am »
    Hi guys,

    I have a Express Controls EZmotion (HSM 100) which i setup according the notes on:
The HSM 100 consists of 3 sensors:
  • Motion sensor
  • Brightness Sensor
  • Temperature Sensor
The brightness and temperature sensor are reporting their state, in webadmin and log.
I already did try a few router reloads and a few sudo killall ZWave, but the motion sensor is still being silent.

Any ideas or pointers to get the motion sensor to talk?


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Re: Zwave motion detector is not giving state
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2016, 03:12:28 pm »
Mine works perfectly following those instructions.  Be sure that the device is set to send motion events and that the interval is not set to extremely long times.  iirc mine came with a setting of around 20mins for a reset, so it would only send motion events at most every 20 mins.  I believe I reduced that to the lowest setting possible for mine and it resets in a minute or two.
