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Any solutions for disappearing mythtv frontend?

Started by corwin, April 03, 2007, 03:42:05 PM

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This is really funny... and when I say funny, I mean it's very sad.

moon32# mv /usr/bin/mythfrontend /usr/bin/mythfrontend.real
moon32# cat > /usr/bin/mythfrontend
/usr/bin/mythfrontend.real $@
moon32# chmod +x /usr/bin/mythfrontend

Now... select TV from an orbiter, then repeatedly run "ps wax | grep myth". You'll see mythfrontend and mythfrontend.real. On the X display, Myth will start up. After a few seconds the mythfrontend process will disappear, but mythfrontend.real will still be there and you'll be able to watch TV (real slowly and with no sound on my MD, but what does that matter?).

BTW, this trick is great for parties. *Really* boring parties.


Right on!!!!!!

That is weird....  I could not exit from it though... back to a blank screen...



Quote from: madboo on April 13, 2007, 06:05:27 AM
That is weird....  I could not exit from it though... back to a blank screen...

That just shows that the orbiter thinks myth is still running... which, I think, also indicates that MythTV_Plugin didn't kill the myth process on purpose.

Anyway, exiting is easy... either open a web orbiter and hit power-off on the TV remote screen, or press F7 on the MD and select Quit from the leftmost menu.


i don't have a file called mythtvfrontend in /usr/bin.  i do have a file called mythtv though.  i guess that's what it is for me?


Quote from: efiniti on April 15, 2007, 06:42:18 AM
i don't have a file called mythtvfrontend in /usr/bin.  i do have a file called mythtv though.  i guess that's what it is for me?

hi it is called mythfrontend, not mythtvfrontend.

media@dcerouter:~$ which mythfrontend


Tossing my hat in the ring
Same issue, Trying a reload with minimal specs. the video card i was using dident work so im using onboard. this the hauppage 550 card has anything to do with this?


Does it work with the onboard video card?  I am thinking this is an issue with pluto and how it loads mythfrontend...  the corwin workaround is working fine for me, but I'm elbow deep in the pluto code trying to find the issue anyway, it would be nice to not have to load  a different orbiter to exit mythfrontend...


Quote from: k84 on April 15, 2007, 05:55:27 PM
Quote from: efiniti on April 15, 2007, 06:42:18 AM
i don't have a file called mythtvfrontend in /usr/bin.  i do have a file called mythtv though.  i guess that's what it is for me?

hi it is called mythfrontend, not mythtvfrontend.

media@dcerouter:~$ which mythfrontend

oops, yeah thnx.  unfortunately i don't think its working though.

edit:  ok apparently just a regen of the orbiter did it.  now it seems like mythtv is staying there.  cool, thanks corwin!


Quote from: madboo on April 15, 2007, 11:54:02 PM
...  the corwin workaround is working fine for me ...

"...and some have greatness thrust upon them..."

I never thought of this as a workaround... it was just a way to demonstrate that the problem is with LMCE killing the myth process right after starting it, rather than mythfrontend dying of its own accord. But hey, if it actually enables people to use myth, well, there are worse things to be famous for ;-).


May not be very usefull. but I got a new TVout card and everything works great now.


I'm having the same gray screen problem.  I just reinstalled everything after messing up my Media Director and not getting any support from fellow forum members on how to get it added back.  Anyway, before I messed up my Media Director I could get Mythtv running by starting mythfrontend from a terminal window but now I've reinstalled everything I can't even do that.  Now it complains about not finding the backend.  I'm new to all this so I'm not sure how to get the backend running, but it seems that on the first install LinuxMCE was at least starting the backend but the frontend was failing on startup. 

I spent a lot of money on getting great hardware for this project and was full of anticipation of great TV/DVR functionality, but I've been working on it for 3 weeks now and I'm beginning to think that MythTV is just that...a myth! 


If you want just the pure mythtv experience I have had great luck with knoppmyth.  It doesn't have any of the automation features but does a good job at Just Tv.

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OMG!!!  There was a link on this page (on this thread) posted by someone, that was a workaround for this famous bug... Now the link is gone?!?!?!?   

   What, why, where, who, when?

(I need that link)


Quote from: corwin on April 12, 2007, 10:24:36 AM

moon32# mv /usr/bin/mythfrontend /usr/bin/mythfrontend.real
moon32# cat > /usr/bin/mythfrontend
/usr/bin/mythfrontend.real $@
moon32# chmod +x /usr/bin/mythfrontend

Here's the work around that you are looking for.


Thanks tkmedia!  I successfully installed Knoppmyth (after some drive reasignments) and it's working!  Now all I need to do is figure out how to set the screen resolution so that it displays full screen on my HDTV set, and also uses sda1 instead of hda1 (where Knoppmyth is installed) for storing video.  sda1 is a 300Gb SATA but hda1 is only a 40Gb IDE so I don't have much space for recording yet but at least it is working!!!