The Fibaros need 1-3 attempts ("wake-up") do be fully configured and recognizes by lmce. So be patient.
You must exclude them from mesh network und do a (or two) router reload. Your Zwave-Stick still has all formerly included devices in its database und will try to bring them up. It will not be possibe to delete a device only by deleting the device in lmce. After next reboot you will get the device back (as new device with a new #id). so my solution:
- remove the working one by (first!) excluding it from mesh network and then remove the obsolete lmce devices in lmce-admin.
- dealing with the killed one you will have two options:
1. reset the whole mesh network by completely reset the controller und start adding all devices again. This will cost you hours, since you must reconfigure all of your scenarios, configuration entry and so on (depending on your config). OR
2. just disable the lmce-devices und ignore this dead device in the future. Then you should do a network heal afterwards just to give mesh network information alternative routes.