My D-link NAS is based on a condensed version of Debian, so it's linux to linux.
I was wondering if the 220 was maybe some kinda embedded Windows variant.
So I tried this.
I run two networks in the house - one for the family and their Windows machines and one for LMCE.
I reconfigured the network to include the family side ( just switching a BIX block RJ45 x-connect to the LMCE switching hub).
I powered up my wife's XP box.
No changes to existing smb.conf, her PC has Windows shares and is in the LINUXMCE workgroup.
Took 3-5 minutes but the PC hard drive was detected as a File Server.
On her PC My Network Places>Entire Network>Microsoft Windows Network>Linuxmce>Dcerouter was displayed.
I tried to log into dcerouter but couldn't connect but I don't really care @ this point because I just wanted to be seen form the LMCE side.
On 12.04 to talk to a WIN7 box in the smb.conf global section you need...
follow symlinks = yes
p.s. If you are somewhere around the St. Lawrence valley area in Ontario, Canada a roadtrip would be possible - a cold, frosty milk would be nice