I couldn't find anything with a forum search, so hopefully I didn't overlook anything.
I have setup LinuxMCE 1204 (I couldn't get 1004 to work on my hardware). I'm using a Aeon Z Stick v2 as the interface, and a Radio Thermostat / 2gig CT100 thermostat.
The system sees the thermostat, and I can set heat/cool/off no problem, and I can set a cooling setpoint, but not a heating setpoint. It just ignores it. I get this error in the logs when trying to request a set point:
No such setpoint 'Heating 1' found!
When adding the thermostat, it tells me (in part):
2014-02-12 23:53:17.109 Node002, Received manufacturer specific report from node 2: Manufacturer=2GIG Technologies, Product=Unknown: type=6401, id=0107
2014-02-12 23:53:26.587 Node002, Received supported thermostat setpoints
2014-02-12 23:53:26.588 Node002, Added setpoint: Cooling 1
2014-02-12 23:53:26.588 Node002, Added setpoint: Unused 3
In addition, setting the fan mode has no effect
2014-02-12 23:53:27.770 Node002, Received supported thermostat fan modes
2014-02-12 23:53:27.770 Node002, Added fan mode: Auto Low
2014-02-12 23:53:27.770 Node002, Added fan mode: On Low
Any hints?