So far:
- qt5 version crashes after the loading screen, does not work on my android tablets
- qt4 version runs ok with some issues:
-> conrolling tv ends in endless loop on the md (vdr). The vdr on the md tries to switch channels continously beginning with channel no. 1. Only after a complete restart of the md my vdr is controllable again.
-> no floorplans
-> the description of media files is too big (font size)
-> accesss to the media files is very slow
-> where are the scenarios (sleeping, lighting, security)?
-> only two working skins
I dont have vdr, but I will take a look and see what could be causing the issue. i dont send anything in a loop, so thats very interesting.
What device (s) are you using? i cant really diagnose without knowing that. Also, are you sure you are up to date? Maverick recently had an issue that sounds similar.
I will question the 'access to media files is very slow'. On my work machine 40 miles away, its pretty fast. Would you say its slower than the onscreen orbiter? How is your wifi?
Technically there are 0 working skins because none are complete. Ive done the hard work of implementing the interface, care to join in on the "easy" part of the UI?

Scenarios. On the tablet form factor, there is a row at the top that says lights, media, etc. On the phone screen its right in front. Is the device set to a be in a room?
Floorplans. Press and hold the scenario buttons.
Phone : :, I recommend using the Smokey skin on android tablets. ill be changing it to the default skin soon.