Author Topic: Setting Up External and Internal Wireless Networks  (Read 3879 times)


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Setting Up External and Internal Wireless Networks
« on: May 09, 2013, 09:39:40 pm »
I'm trying to correctly set up two wireless networks with two WRT54GS routers. The first is external to LMCE , so that my wife can always log on regardless of what I'm doing with LCME. The second is the internal LMCE network. I have this partially working, but I always get locked out of the the web-based configuration utility of the LMCE router. If I need to get in, then I have to hit the button that resets it to factory. Seems like I'm doing something wrong. Here is my network configuration:

-DSL Modem
-WRT54GS external, set up as router ( DHCP server enabled, wireless chan 1, IP, with its own SSID and security password)
-LMCE Core
-WRT54GS internal, set up as wireless access point (DHCP server disabled, wireless chan 11, IP, with its own SSID and security password)

I thought this was the correct way to configure the network, but it behaves strangely.  I can connect my laptop to the internal wireless network and surf the web just fine, but when I try to enter the configuration utility I get "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at" So I turn off the wireless on the laptop and connect via cable. Again I can surf the web just fine, but I get the same error when trying to connect to the WRT54G.

Now I check to see if I can access the external router from the internal network. I thought that this might not work because if could be invisible behind the LMCE core. I enter and get right in to the config utility of the external router.  This blows my mind.

So the bottom line is that I can reach the configuration utility of the external router (set up as a DHCP enabled router) from either the internal or external network. I can't reach the config utility of the internal WRT54GS (set up as DHCP disabled WAP) from either the internal or external network until I do a factory reset and dump my config.

This differs from my expectations. I thought that, to reach the external WRT54GS, I'd have to connect to the external network and enter Then to reach the internal WRT54GS, I'd have to connect to the internal network and enter

Can any smart guys show me the error of my ways?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 09:42:19 pm by twodogs »
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Re: Setting Up External and Internal Wireless Networks
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 11:50:27 pm »
for starters, I would suggest configuring your internal device per the instructions:

differences being - turning off the firewall and setting the IP address within the allowed range of LMCE ( as std)


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Re: Setting Up External and Internal Wireless Networks
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2013, 01:19:21 am »
 :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ Argh! All is now well. Thanks Techstyle. You were correct and the wiki supplied the answer.  I can now grab my laptop and IP address accesses the internal router. accesses the external router. Problem solved.

Twodogs (embarrassed)
integrated GeForce 9300
E5200 processor
Fusion 5 lite HDTV card
SYBA SY-PCI15001 6-port serial card
Denon AVR 3805
LG 42" Plasma
Gyration GYR3101
Cisco SPA3102 analog telephone adapter
Cisco 7971G IP phone/orbiter