I wasn't able to squeeze it in quick enough for final release. I did not have enough testing time... however it worked on the scale machines... well... the method anyway...
Download this Utils.sh and replace yours with it in /usr/pluto/bin
http://svn.linuxmce.org/trac.cgi/export/27224/trunk/src/BootScripts/Utils.shcd ~/Documents
sudo -i
<enter password>
wget http://svn.linuxmce.org/trac.cgi/export/27224/trunk/src/BootScripts/Utils.sh
cat ./Utils.sh > /usr/pluto/bin/Utils.sh
apt-get remove --purge fglrx
rm /etc/X11/xorg.con*
apt-get update
This is going to take a LONG time. It has to upgrade your kernel, and as everything uses dkms these days, I have to do some trickery with the headers. This upgrade, on a weakly powered MD, can take up to 3 hours. DO NOT INTERRUPT!!! Yes it unpacks headers forever... and does it like 3 times.
If that isn't quite enough to get the job done do this after.
apt-get -y remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx* --force-yes
apt-get -y install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri fglrx-modaliases --force-yes
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core --force-yes
rm /etc/X11/xorg.con*
But I see no need for that last mess...