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Media list (grid) scroll/page down button on IR remote

Started by jamo, January 19, 2013, 08:31:51 PM

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I still have the windows MCE remote as shown but I presume by interfaces you mean something else like the USBUIRT, of which I only have one. See screenshot. PS - presume it's ok to delete the default MCEremote?



Would like to help with the debugging if I can. Will help me to get a better understanding of the code and structures. Can you point me to which source code covers this section?


Can you verify that when the screen changes from the main menu, to the file list view, that there is a Set Screen Type being sent, and that the destination is your USB UIRT device ?



Quote from: tschak909 on January 29, 2013, 03:48:01 PM
Can you verify that when the screen changes from the main menu, to the file list view, that there is a Set Screen Type being sent, and that the destination is your USB UIRT device ?

When the screen changes from the main menu to the file list view I see three commands, a 'Populate Datagrid' and 2x 'Get Datagrid Contents'.  No Set Screen Type command appears to be sent.  I'm tailing DCERouter.log for this info.

This would explain why the ch+/- button commands are being sent to the Media Plugin rather than the Orbiter?  While playing media my media control buttons are not working either, I assume a similar 'Set Screen Type' command is missing there.

This is pretty critical to proper operation by IR remote, I'm going to create a ticket.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


When I hit "Audio" from the media menu, a whole lot of stuff scrolls through the log (because the messages include basically everything that is populating the grid... which is a lot of album titles) but searching backwards to the "Set Screen Type" command, reveals the following

35;1mSet Screen Type^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x773f9b70>
08      01/22/13 21:55:19.657             Parameter 48(Value): 66 <0x773f9b70>

So, as delicately pointed out by yourself, that is screen type 'B' as per ascii code of 66.
That's from my previous post so I can't check what device it's going to - I'm not at my machine now but will try to have a squizz a bit later and maybe pastebin the whole log from the point where I choose the media list.

Jason, do you not see this if you open the log and search back to the point where you first opened the grid? you have to go back quite a bit...


I need to see the from and to device parameters of the Set Screen Type, to see where the message is going.



Quote from: tschak909 on January 30, 2013, 04:10:17 PM
I need to see the from and to device parameters of the Set Screen Type, to see where the message is going.


Ok, here's the log from the time I hit "enter" via IR remote on the "Audio" menu to the time I try to press the chdown button on the remote. Sorry about all the "populate data grid" nonsense but I didn't want to clip it and lose something.

Clipped section below:

8      01/30/13 20:15:33.525           Received Message from 121 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / TV Room^[[0m) to 78 (^[[36;1mOnScreen Orbiter / TV Room^[[0m), type 1 id 190 Command:^[[35;1mEnter/Go^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x6b5b1b70>
08      01/30/13 20:15:33.556           Received Message from 78 (^[[36;1mOnScreen Orbiter / TV Room^[[0m) to USB UIRT 0038(121), type 1 id  687 Command:^[[35;1mSet Screen Type^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x775c9b70>
08      01/30/13 20:15:33.556             Parameter 48(Value): 66 <0x775c9b70>
<snip populate datagrid stuff>
05      01/30/13 20:15:35.685           ^[[33;1mfile grid pics took 0 ms^[[0m <0x977efb70>
08      01/30/13 20:15:47.283           Received Message from 121 (^[[36;1mUSB UIRT 0038 / TV Room^[[0m) to 10 (^[[36;1mMedia Plug-in / Server Closet^[[0m), type 1 id 65 Command:^[[35;1mJump Position In Playlist^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x6b5b1b70>
08      01/30/13 20:15:47.283             Parameter 5(Value To Assign): -1 <0x6b5b1b70>
07      01/30/13 20:18:34.367           Event #75 has no handlers <0x81ddeb70>
07      01/30/13 20:18:34.367           Received Message from 18 (^[[36;1mAsterisk / Server Closet^[[0m) to -1001 (^[[36;1munknown / ^[[0m), type 2 id 75 Event:^[[32;1mExtensions Status^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x81ddeb70>
07      01/30/13 20:18:34.367             Parameter 13(Text): SIP/203:Registered <0x81ddeb70>

So as far as I can see- screen type is being set to 'B' and passed to USBUIRT correctly. So no idea why my next "chdown" press yields "Jump Position in Playlist" instead of scroll down as expected.


Quote from: jamo on January 30, 2013, 08:23:20 AM
Jason, do you not see this if you open the log and search back to the point where you first opened the grid? you have to go back quite a bit...

Nope, I'm not getting that command.  I will check again but I select enter on the remote to open the grid and then got only 3 more commands, not including a Set Screen Type, as the grid displayed.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


Heres my DCERouter.log as I move up the UI2 menu and select the Audio datagrid.  No Set Screen Type command is sent on my system, I'm using a standard XP MCE remote.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


I'll pick this up again now that the transmitting part it working and try to get to the bottom of this. If you've got any sizeable number of titles in your media list, not being able to page down becomes a real pain. I'm finding I have to use the "search" facility to get to the performer/title I want but it would be nice to browse. Would also be nice to be able to use the "first letter" jump-to list which also doesn't seem possible with a basic IR remote.


UI2 is intended to be controlled with a gyration remote.  That was its intent.  Controlling it with IR is possible, but as you are finding limited at times.
UI1 was intended for IR remote control.

You could also grab one of the multitude of inexpensive gyro mouse/keyboard/ir remote combos that are popping up.  Have the best of all worlds.  :) for example.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


Quote from: phenigma on February 19, 2013, 09:39:31 PM
UI2 is intended to be controlled with a gyration remote.  That was its intent.  Controlling it with IR is possible, but as you are finding limited at times.
UI1 was intended for IR remote control.

Now where was that little gem of information hiding when I was planning my system!!

Thanks for the tips, J. I've actually experimented quite a bit with a Wiimote but one of the main reasons I'm not using this on this MD is because if I ever get my AV switching working, there will be no LinuxMCE on-screen-display while I'm controlling my settop box so the UI2-gyro-type controls will be of no use to me because you need the visual cues (on-screen arrows and things which show if you're controlling lights or volume).

As you point out, though, a combo remote would potentially solve that problem.


I could go back to UI1 but what I really like about UI2 is the constant media backdrop. I load all our family pics onto the screensaver and it is brilliant having them cycle the whole time in the background. I like UI2.

It really can't be that difficult to sort out this page-down issue, though.... and, hopefully, the jump to letter in the playlist. Otherwise, the IR remote is actually controlling it (UI2) very well for me and it's MUCH easier for my wife and children to work with. Also great having a "button" for pause, stop, mute, etc. Those are things you typically want to do in a hurry so to just pick up the remote and press the button works really well.

I will continue digging in the meantime. I think the next step is to review the logs and maybe get stuck into the code of the mediaplugin which I gather hands a lot of these things off to the various devices etc.


Quote from: jamo on February 20, 2013, 07:36:48 AM
It really can't be that difficult to sort out this page-down issue, though.... and, hopefully, the jump to letter in the playlist. Otherwise, the IR remote is actually controlling it (UI2) very well for me and it's MUCH easier for my wife and children to work with. Also great having a "button" for pause, stop, mute, etc. Those are things you typically want to do in a hurry so to just pick up the remote and press the button works really well.

The pgup/pgdn issues may be solved fairly easily.  If we can determine the exact cause...  Are you using a Windows MCE remote? 

Quote from: jamo on February 19, 2013, 07:19:54 AM
I'm finding I have to use the "search" facility to get to the performer/title I want but it would be nice to browse. Would also be nice to be able to use the "first letter" jump-to list which also doesn't seem possible with a basic IR remote.

Making the letters accessible to an IR remote will take a bunch of grunt work with HADesigner.  Not an easy task but, as far as I know, it could be done.  HADesigner is a real beast and very un-friendly to use.  tschak may be able to provide a little more insight into what would be required to activate these buttons for non-mouse selection.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


Thanks, J.

No, the remote is not an Win MCE remote, it is the remote I got with the Zotac AD04 z-box I'm using as a media director. I  set up a template for it myself.

I guess pg-down is first step and it at least looks as though it is supposed to work whereas it seems as if using an IR remote for the "letter list" is not part of the plan.


Found the source of the problem with lost pgup/pgdn functionality, I have it working again.  Need to chase the functions and figure out why it doesn't work properly the way it is expected to.

My setup: [url=""][/url]