Here's something that's gonna toss yer noodle around,... (Keep in mind, this is a net installed 1004 that I just ran the upgrade on, don't know if that matters)... I made the bone headed move of not only deleting my MDs (decided rebuilding was easier), nothing to report on that yet,... But, I also (here's the bone headed part) deleted my xorg.conf from the Core thinking it'd automatically dump me into the AVwizard to reset the Core's xorg.conf (old xorg.conf renamed to xorg.oldone and left in the directory),... That didn't happen... in the least.
Here's the thing,... The Core/Hybrid booted graphically,... UI2 and all,... There's NO xorg.conf in the /etc/X11 directory, just the xorg.oldone,... and the typical Kubuntu auto Xsession crapolla you get from a standard Kubuntu 10.04 install...
But so far, everything appears to work... MythTV,... Live TV playback,... KDE desktop, etc., etc...
Let me know if there's something I should try to run to see if running it this way breaks anything... But for now,... I'm just going to keep running it this way,... rebuild my MDs, and see if it affects anything...
Oh,... Forgot to mention, Intel chipsets on everything.