No problem... I'll start working up the Wiki pages for each project.
Brief rundown of what each is..
SABNZBD+ is an NZB downloader -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NZB - Self explanatory.
CouchPotato - Is a Movie locator for NZB files. Finds the NZBs for movie files and then sends them to SABNZBD for download and assembly.
Sickbeard - Is a PVR on crack. This thing allows you to put in the TV shows you watch and then on a regular basis checks for new episodes send them to SABNZBD for download and assembly.
What the three do together is amazing.
The truly great part is that there are several applications for iPhone and Andriod that allow a user to control what each is doing.
I can tell my iPhone to add say The Big Bang Theory as a TV show to sickbeard. Sickbeard then asks me if i have any folders with episodes in them currently. Then it asks what seasons I would like to look for, finds them and begins to grab them.
I believe a script could be written to install all three.
The manner in which I was able to get couchpotato and sickbeard working was from a wget command so the extract and .conf editing could be done easily.
SABNZBD is another animal. I'm going to have to take another crack at it. I had to turn on the normal sources inside the desktop which then grabbed all the updates and screwed my install.
I'll update shortly as soon as I get a chance to reinstall LMCE.
OK update - I know that was fast.
Just found the tarball for SabNZBD+ on sourceforge - I'll try to install from the tar tonight.