Author Topic: Is there still a changelog for LMCE updates?  (Read 3079 times)


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Is there still a changelog for LMCE updates?
« on: June 24, 2012, 11:07:11 pm »
I did not know where to ask this question, but is there a changelog for updates (like there used to be)? I couldn't find an up to date one. I liked it because it gave me an idea of what was going on. I know that this is additional work (and probably the few smart people that work on the system do not need it) but I was just wondering if I am too stupid to find it. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Is there still a changelog for LMCE updates?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 08:30:28 am »
Do you mean like the 0810-Alpha and -Beta wiki pages? No, there is no such thing for 1004 (yet). The idea is that there are too many changes to list them all for the time being. Maybe when we enter beta, we will start making such a list again.

I do agree that a changelog would be useful, and perhaps we could list the main new stuff that has been worked on lately. Anyway, you can see what has been done in the trac timeline, although it might be a bit technical for some.



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Re: Is there still a changelog for LMCE updates?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 06:08:13 am »
THat is what I meant. The timeline is not accurate as well. None of those listed fixes indicated that there was an upgrade for lmce-mythtv-scripts and pluto-mythtv-player since my last upgrade (1 month ago). The problem is that LMCE is so complex that it is very difficult to understand what works with what and how (especially when you have very limited time and a newborn ;)). Luckily there are some smart people working on it that know what hey are doing. However, you guys are working so hard on it that it is impossible to follow you guys, and maybe get an idea on how the system works in order to help you. But I can see that a different way might be pointless because I do not know if people would actually use/follow it. Anyways, thank you guys for all the hard work you are putting into the system.