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1004: The time has come.

Started by l3mce, April 14, 2012, 03:37:39 AM

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That is way too long.

What it looks like might be happening, based on that nvidia log, is that some package is broken preventing things from actually installing, so as it goes through confirm dependencies what will happen is each package has to fail 8 times before moving on.

Can you please ssh into an MD and dpkg --configure -a | pastebinit  and give me the url? In the meantime I will download a snapshot (have never downloaded one before) and see what I can see from my end.

Thank you very much for your help. Platypus deserves a lot of praise as well. Without him testing each of these guys as they came out and giving me specific results, this would have taken a WHOLE lot longer to get to this point... so someone buy him a pony.
I never quit... I just ping out.




What's the problem?

Do you get kstartupconfig4 xmessage?



Quote from: l3mce on May 19, 2012, 04:04:03 PM

Can you please ssh into an MD and dpkg --configure -a | pastebinit  and give me the url?

When do you want me to do that.  Before or After the nvidia driver fails. Or before or after the drivers install.

Edit:  Well I can tell its not after the MD is setup.  I get "You are trying to send an empty document, exiting."
So I will Setup another MD, and try it after it fails to install.



look at this topic to see if it'll help...,12545.0.html

(reply #16)


Thanks pigdog, Im sure that will fix it.  I dont use it anyways.  The core just sits in the closet anyways.

L3mce  I ran the dpkg command on a finished md and on a md that just failed, both times it says its empty.


Installed LMCE-1004-20120519090525976.iso headless and added a MD, both VMs.
Initial boot of MD ended with Diskless Setup failed, rebooted router and tried MD again.
All went ok this time and sarah appeared, completed avwizard.
ssh from core to moon OK and from moon back to core.

do you want any logs/info from this install?


and fwiw kde desktop works on the MD  :)

~ 12.04 Alpha: [url=""][/url]
~ 10.04 Final: [url=""][/url]
~ My setup: [url=""][/url]


with LMCE-1004-20120519090525976.iso I had no dhcp server working for internal network and core was unable to get data from dhcp from my modem. With connection set up manually there was still no internet. Nic is MCP78s from Nvidia. Without network i wasn't able to check diskless MDs or MythTV so only other bug I've seen was error with displaying polish characters in GUI looked like wrong character encoding.


Quote from: Medrawd on May 23, 2012, 05:49:26 PM
with LMCE-1004-20120519090525976.iso I had no dhcp server working for internal network and core was unable to get data from dhcp from my modem. With connection set up manually there was still no internet. Nic is MCP78s from Nvidia. Without network i wasn't able to check diskless MDs or MythTV so only other bug I've seen was error with displaying polish characters in GUI looked like wrong character encoding.

Uhh... that is all very wrong. You should not have had any of these issues. On the core please create a file with:
. /usr/pluto/bin/
sleep 2
ifconfig | grep -E '(Link|inet)'

Lets say you call it
chmod +x

This file will attempt to scrap your current network setup, and start over, placing the appropriate bits in the database... and then spit out the config bits I would like to see. Please paste the results... if it does not seem happy, then swap the cables (which should absolutely not make ANY difference) and try again. Thanks!

I don't understand why the diskless setup failed coley.

I understand why cores can't get to desktop, I had just hoped I fixed it, clearly needs more work.

I also had another error preventing the newer nvidia cards from installing correctly. I just fixed this so it will not exist until another snap is created.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: l3mce on May 24, 2012, 06:50:03 AM
I don't understand why the diskless setup failed coley.

I understand why cores can't get to desktop, I had just hoped I fixed it, clearly needs more work.

I can try again with a re-install if you want and see if the first boot of the MD fails.
I wasn't looking to get desktop on my core as it was a headless install, just reporting it worked on MD.


~ 12.04 Alpha: [url=""][/url]
~ 10.04 Final: [url=""][/url]
~ My setup: [url=""][/url]


Creating annd running didn't help. There were no DHCPOFFERS for eth0 and dhcp server for eth1 is giving wrong IPs.


That makes 0 sense. I do a lot of tests, a handful of people do a lot of tests, and nothing like this has been an issue. Can you please paste the output of:
cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
I never quit... I just ping out.


Check hardware. Hubs,cables. Swop the cables around that plug into the core.


I've already reinstalled 0810 but will install 1004 on second disc tomorrow and post 70-persistent-net.rules.

Hardware works fine with 0810 installation and i double checked every piece of hardware while trying to setup 1004.