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1004: The time has come.

Started by l3mce, April 14, 2012, 03:37:39 AM

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Didnt get a chance to try 5961.  So I am downloading 25964 right now.  Hopefully I can try that one in the morning.


Zsync is failing for me... anyone else had success with zsync?

I renamed/moved the 5955 snap to the 5964 snap. The tried zsync.

dcerouter_1011060:/home/karel/zsync# ls
dcerouter_1011060:/home/karel/zsync#  zsync  #################### 100.0% 166.6 kBps DONE

reading seed file LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Read LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso. Target 68.9% complete.      **********************************************
downloading from
#############------- 68.9%bad status code 404
#############------- 68.9% 0.0 kBps aborted

failed to retrieve from /var/www/rsync/snapshots/LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso
dcerouter_1011060:/home/karel/zsync# l
LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso*  LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso.part



Quote from: DragonK on May 14, 2012, 04:18:28 PM
Zsync is failing for me... anyone else had success with zsync?

I had a similar experience and played with it a little before assuming I was doing something wrong and instead pulled down a new file.

I tried 25964 and am still getting the failed to startup x on my nvidia geforce 5200 laptop.  Multiple reboots and deleted the /etc/X11/xorg.pluto.* did not help.  Left it on the failed to startup x screen and tried to boot a MD hoping to get somewhere with that, but as that the core was no where near setup (did not go through any of the setup wizards) the MD got stuck in a reboot loop.  Looking at flowers with the wife later tonight, but will try to jump on IRC soon.


Quote from: DragonK on May 14, 2012, 04:18:28 PM
Zsync is failing for me... anyone else had success with zsync?
Yep I had similar problems but poked about and managed a zsync download, needed a bit more intervention but works.
The zsync control file has a header containing the URL this needs to be adjusted to suit the final destination of the iso.

- wget the relevant <snapshot>.iso.zsync file
- open this in a proper editor and edit the URL: line, shorten it down to /snapshots/<snapshot>.iso and save.
- now feed this to zsync
- zsync LMCE-1004-<snapshot>.iso.zsync -u

This has worked successfully for me.


maybe someone with access to the script generating the iso snapshots could change the zsyncmake command and feed the final destination URL to it?
~ 12.04 Alpha: [url=""][/url]
~ 10.04 Final: [url=""][/url]
~ My setup: [url=""][/url]


Yes... several broken pieces in that iso. Sorry to get you excited... I break more than I fix some days.

Look for 25969 sometime tomorrow. It will hopefully be very close.
I have an attempt to fix desktop now.
I have SSH between DCERouter and MDs fixed, and more secure.
I have better dual GPU support targeting in there as well.

And I unbroke all of the nvidia stuff I broke.
Fingers crossed, and thanks.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: l3mce on May 15, 2012, 02:57:24 AM
Yes... several broken pieces in that iso. Sorry to get you excited... I break more than I fix some days.

Look for 25969 sometime tomorrow. It will hopefully be very close.
I have an attempt to fix desktop now.
I have SSH between DCERouter and MDs fixed, and more secure.
I have better dual GPU support targeting in there as well.

And I unbroke all of the nvidia stuff I broke.
Fingers crossed, and thanks.

So we should rather wait for 25969? and not try 25964?




Should be synchronized shortly.
I never quit... I just ping out.


I've changed the script. It now reads:

zsyncmake LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso

I've manually ran it just now, so if you find a zsync file which is as old as the iso file, it is NOT the right one. The zsync file should be an hour or so younger. In the future, they should have the same time (+/- a minute or so)
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


Quote from: posde on May 15, 2012, 04:26:00 PM
I've changed the script. It now reads:

zsyncmake LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso

I've manually ran it just now, so if you find a zsync file which is as old as the iso file, it is NOT the right one. The zsync file should be an hour or so younger. In the future, they should have the same time (+/- a minute or so)

Then the zsync file LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso.zsync is incorrect because the timestamp is the same as the actual iso? Or am I understanding it all wrong???



Quote from: posde on May 15, 2012, 04:26:00 PM
I've changed the script. It now reads:

zsyncmake LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso

I've manually ran it just now, so if you find a zsync file which is as old as the iso file, it is NOT the right one. The zsync file should be an hour or so younger. In the future, they should have the same time (+/- a minute or so)

Thx for the quick response :).

~ 12.04 Alpha: [url=""][/url]
~ 10.04 Final: [url=""][/url]
~ My setup: [url=""][/url]


An important note that is causing some confusion for my testers.

AVWizard has changed, because I am preparing to do a lot of work trying to get multiple monitors going from mobos/cards with multiple outputs. Currently, it pushes signal out on ALL outputs. So... when you hit avwizard using vga or something, you see it, but it might not fit on your screen.


In the past, you would have simply had a black screen. It is no different, except that you can see that your driver is working. What it will likely do, is keep its tested working resolution (meaning it was trying to pipe out over HDMI and intrensically found magic at 640x480 over your non HDMI connection, so screen one might return in the upper left hand corner until you set the size appropriately on screen 2.

This is just how it is going to work for now. Remember... it used to not output a signal at all. In this way it is sort of better.... and when we can natively do multiple room output/multiple EA per machine output, it will be worth this small change, that I will hopefully fix.

Thanks again.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: coley on May 14, 2012, 06:41:18 PM
Yep I had similar problems but poked about and managed a zsync download, needed a bit more intervention but works.
The zsync control file has a header containing the URL this needs to be adjusted to suit the final destination of the iso.

- wget the relevant <snapshot>.iso.zsync file
- open this in a proper editor and edit the URL: line, shorten it down to /snapshots/<snapshot>.iso and save.
- now feed this to zsync
- zsync LMCE-1004-<snapshot>.iso.zsync -u

This has worked successfully for me.


maybe someone with access to the script generating the iso snapshots could change the zsyncmake command and feed the final destination URL to it?

These instructions can now safely be ignored :)
After Possy's change the zsync file now has the correct url and the download happens as per l3mce's previous instructions.
Around 1Gig as opposed to > 3Gig to download per snapshot.

~ 12.04 Alpha: [url=""][/url]
~ 10.04 Final: [url=""][/url]
~ My setup: [url=""][/url]


L3, have you had a chance to glance at either of the issues I sent info to you on (sound distortion with ALC1200 or the weird TV size detection issue)?  I'm happy to re-test the current snap?


Got the latest snap 25970 installed on the core. Getting diskless setup failed on the mds.  The MD will sit at running diskless setup for about 8 minutes then diskless setup failed.

Have to restore now. Work is coming pretty quick.


Diskless Setup is failing for everyone. I do not know why. I will investigate.

dh... You sent me something? Where? How?

No, I did not receive it. I addressed the odd sizing issue as best I could in the post 2 above yours. How is your monitor connected?

I never quit... I just ping out.