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1004: The time has come.

Started by l3mce, April 14, 2012, 03:37:39 AM

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To be clear...

I am aware of the desktop issue, it is mentioned in the first post.

Sandy Bridge is not yet supported, but possy has put together a wiki which works on SOME SB hardware, some it is known to fail. This is not a supported architecture. I MAY take a stab at it IF detected... but failure will not be met with effort to fix.

Lastly, the other things we went over have been addressed, and the latest build and snapshot, as of today, should work much better and differently.

Thanks again.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: l3mce on April 23, 2012, 04:42:31 AM
Lastly, the other things we went over have been addressed, and the latest build and snapshot, as of today, should work much better and differently.
Thanks again.

If you build it.... they will download it.

Great stuff, L3. Gonna go start that latest snap download right now.

Sorry, you are quite correct, the desktop thing was mentioned in the *first post*. Will get my eyesight checked.


Using LMCE-1004-20120429132625935.iso.  Hybrid install works.  Have 2 MDs up and running  I had to run Diskless_CreateTBZ, otherwise no MDs would boot.  The other MD is stuck at 640x480 cant get AV wizard to run on it.  Its an intel graphics.  Tried to delete the xorg.conf, but still cant get the AV wizard to start.  Anytime I start an MD up, Both of my internal hard drives go off line. Need to log in to webadmin and tick back online and quick reload of router. 


@ pedplar:

See my post about video resolutions... Had the same/similar problem. What I did was to edit the xorg.conf as root (maybe unnecessary), edit the MD settings in the Web Admin, and select the button for rebuilt MD...

Also see about the resolution issue in case you're at 1360x768.

Link to my thread here:,12563.0.html
See my User page on the LinuxMCE Wiki for a description of my system configuration (click the little globe under my profile pic).


Quote from: pedplar on May 03, 2012, 12:36:21 AM
Using LMCE-1004-20120429132625935.iso.  Hybrid install works.  Have 2 MDs up and running  I had to run Diskless_CreateTBZ, otherwise no MDs would boot.  The other MD is stuck at 640x480 cant get AV wizard to run on it.  Its an intel graphics.  Tried to delete the xorg.conf, but still cant get the AV wizard to start.  Anytime I start an MD up, Both of my internal hard drives go off line. Need to log in to webadmin and tick back online and quick reload of router. 

Diskless has been fixed.
I have made changes which hopefully fixed the avwizard sizing problems as well.
I have also fixed to handle older cards.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Downloading the latest snapshot LMCE-1004-201205050910.iso right now. will let you know how it goes.

Edit: Installed hybrid.  install was flawless except for reinstalling ssh. Didnt need to run Still Setting up the first MD.


The next snapshot has a fix for SSH. If that one doesn't behave as desired I have another.

Please tell me the MD hardware, and if the resolution issue has been resolved.
I never quit... I just ping out.


I'm downloading LMCE-1004-20120506204225945.iso atm.

Will only finish by tomorrow. but will test then and provide feedback.



Couldnt get the MD to finish. On first boot failed to set up x. Rebooted it and the AV wizard came up. That's as far as I got. Just sits there with black screen with the white cursor.  Its a Acer revo 1600.


I have a high degree of confidence in LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso (and beyond)

SSH is fixed
AVWizard/Xconfigure is fixed
Radeon driver finally fixed for MDs
update/sources.list scheme completely changed, overall process much faster
Dual GPU support added (chooses best card, does not run 2 monitors... yet <insert evil laugh>)

On that subject... if anyone has one of the dual integrated gpu laptops, this is what it was designed to address... but anyone who has an integrated gpu and a card, if you wouldn't mind testing this code by NOT disabling the onboard in bios, I would appreciate feedback.

Desktop on core is still an issue. I will figure something out eventually. MDs do not have the ownership issue.

Core only installs have two problems.
1. There is no easy way to reload the router without an MD. The first MD you try to create, requires a router reload. The MD doesn't know when it is far enough along to simply script a messagesend. So, I will have to change the C code to fake an ident and reload the router right before the first MD reboot. Not really a big deal, but annoying for now if you are trying to get one up and running.
2. I have no idea how to setup MythTV without a hybrid. This is a bit more problematic. If your core has capture cards, myth has to be configured on the core afik. You can use the MD if you have a network capture device like an HDHR, but... I don't have anything in place to deal with core only.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: pedplar on May 08, 2012, 11:50:56 AM
Couldnt get the MD to finish. On first boot failed to set up x. Rebooted it and the AV wizard came up. That's as far as I got. Just sits there with black screen with the white cursor.  Its a Acer revo 1600.

I have changed a lot w regards to what I believe you ran into problems with. AVWizard to be sure, and the sources.list availability scheme. I personally have that revo in my bedroom, and can tell you they work brilliantly. This latest iso has a LOT of functionality upgrades... whereas the last 6 were minor one liner changes fooling with some things. I do recommend giving it a shot.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: DragonK on May 07, 2012, 08:35:27 AM
I'm downloading LMCE-1004-20120506204225945.iso atm.

Will only finish by tomorrow. but will test then and provide feedback.


Download finished about an hour ago...... Havent started installing and testing yet.

Would an apt-get update/upgrade do the trick instead of downloading LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso (and beyond)?



For the most part, Yes... but there is something odd happening.

You can do an apt-get update/upgrade, but for some reason pluto-boot-scripts is being held back, so you will have to explicitly apt-get install pluto-boot-scripts.

There are nine files total which have changed. If you can get through core creation, the upgrade should handle everything else.

What you will not have is the ssh fixing... or sources.list magic.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Please post the output of what happens when you apt-get install pluto-boot-scripts  - especially what package is added or removed.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


Off to download the latest snapshot then.....

Anything inparticular you want reported back L3mce?