with LMCE-1004-20120519090525976.iso I had no dhcp server working for internal network and core was unable to get data from dhcp from my modem. With connection set up manually there was still no internet. Nic is MCP78s from Nvidia. Without network i wasn't able to check diskless MDs or MythTV so only other bug I've seen was error with displaying polish characters in GUI looked like wrong character encoding.
Uhh... that is all very wrong. You should not have had any of these issues. On the core please create a file with:
. /usr/pluto/bin/dvd-installer.sh
sleep 2
ifconfig | grep -E '(Link|inet)'
Lets say you call it network_reset.sh
chmod +x network_reset.sh
This file will attempt to scrap your current network setup, and start over, placing the appropriate bits in the database... and then spit out the config bits I would like to see. Please paste the results... if it does not seem happy, then swap the cables (which should absolutely not make ANY difference) and try again. Thanks!
I don't understand why the diskless setup failed coley.
I understand why cores can't get to desktop, I had just hoped I fixed it, clearly needs more work.
I also had another error preventing the newer nvidia cards from installing correctly. I just fixed this so it will not exist until another snap is created.