It's actually not too difficult. The UI specific stuff, like graphics and text, is in a separate class from the common base logic (which is 99% of the code). Originally Orbiter used SDL, and Chris, our Orbiter developer, just did a new rendering engine using PocketFrog libraries. Essentially it's the same thing you'd need to do for Audry--a new rendering engine. I think it only took him a couple days to get it working. If you have Yahoo messenger, you can email him directly at chris.m to exchange ID's. Otherwise, you can check in the code. Orbiter_SDL.cpp was the old rendering with SDL. Orbiter_PocketFrog.cpp is the new one with PocketFrog. And you'll want to create an Orbiter_Audry.cpp with whatever proprietary graphics/sdk calls Audry uses. Take a look at those files and see if it makes sense to you, and Chris can help out.