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[SOLVED] VNC to the core?

Started by jill, February 17, 2012, 09:15:55 PM

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 Getting ready to move the core its going into the basement utility room and its going to be a pain to have to go down there every time i want to do commands Dose MCE have built in VNC if not whats recomended
is anyone doing this to assess their core?


what 'commands' do you mean?

You can always 'ssh' remote into the server (command prompt), or you can always web administer from any web browser on your network.  I use my linux-desktop to administer my core.



i mean Remote desktop so i can access it like i was at the core itself


Quote from: jill on February 18, 2012, 06:52:08 AM
i mean Remote desktop so i can access it like i was at the core itself

I believe your question was understood - and the answer was correct. There is something strange in your request. When it is a core, all you would ever need to control it is ssh and the web-interface. The only thing you could do more than that by seeing the core's own screen would be to watch media... But then you are using it as a hybrid, and that you would do in a living area, right?

Could you explain why you would like to "be next to it" - which kinds of "commands" do you believe only can be given directly at the console? Perhaps it is just a small misunderstanding that could help you to use the system more efficiently..



im still kinda new to linux i think im missunderstanding what you mean im tring to to ask about remote desktop like with TightVNC put in the address of the core and it comes up in a window like i was sitting isnt SSH just teminal access?
sorry if im being confuseing.
never remote desked in linux before im tring to find out what is the perfered TightVNC Linux equivalent didn't want to download just anything is there one that isnt going to mess up my MCE install or cause issues


as already said, there is absolutely no need for doing that but its probably doable if you think you need it.
everybody is using SSH(yes thats terminal access) and the webadmin page for administrating because everything else does not really make sence.


I guess the question everybody asks is: What is it you want to do exactly when you are connected to the screen/keyboard of the core via VNC (or whatever other means).
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


I think Jill is still very much used to windows-systems and thus has an inherent unfamiliarity with cli. When I first started playing around with my first linuxserver I had the same "problem". Windows ist just spoiling everyone with gui and not having one might make you uncomfortable. But for linux, especially linuxmce a desktop-style gui is absolutely unneccessary.


    DO NOT try making this more complicated than needed... If there is anything you ABSOLUTELY need to do on the physical 'core' machine, you are better off just going to it.... other than that.... everything you would ever really need to do on the core (management-wise) can be done remotely thru a 'terminal' (MS windows term is CMD or command prompt) OR thru the web browser interface...

You stated in another post that you set up a MD in your brother's room...   You can have a MD in your room, and you can ALSO connect your laptop or tablet to the LinuxMCE network and launch a browser to reboot any of the  MD's or the server itself.   If you have a tablet, you can make it a remote control for your MD.   The possibilities are many.


ps... just keep asking questions... its the only way to get the information you need!!!!!    ;D


 think maverick hit the nail on the head im starting to see what you all mean now your'e trying to get me out of the windows habbits of needing the gui and thats fine so i guess the question is ive never used SSH other then on the core to ssh moon into the MD's and i havent the slightest clue how to SSH to it from my work pc in my office wich is win 7 im tring to find out what i need on this end to doo SSH XD i dont know where to start.


windows doesnt come with an ssh capable terminal application, but there are some great free ones out there. putty is a very common choice, and recently I have started using mobaxterm since it comes with a few extras (including the ability to remotely display gui applications). you just ssh to 'dcerouter' and use the username/password from when you installed linuxmce.
you will find most instructions for doing things on a linux system will have you typing things into a terminal anyway, so its something you need to get used to :)
anything that can be done in the gui (and many more things that cant) can be done through the command line, and much quicker to boot.


 :D thanks merkur2k Mobaxterm works awsome even gives me the folders on the left i love it this will do nicely o.O great little program. now i can sit comforably at my desk rather then knees in a server closet
and tackle my next problem getting this ati HDMI audio working -_-.


There's only one single thing I do where I actually need physical access to to Core and that's when I do a full backup of the installation. In this situation I'm shutting down LMCE and boot with a CloneZilla liveCD since I cannot SSH into the machine anymore. Everything else is done with SSH or web admin.



Quote from: jill on February 18, 2012, 07:47:30 PM
:D thanks merkur2k Mobaxterm works awsome even gives me the folders on the left i love it this will do nicely o.O great little program. now i can sit comforably at my desk rather then knees in a server closet
and tackle my next problem getting this ati HDMI audio working -_-.

Dear friend... Especially since you are new to Linux I can only recommend flattening the learning curve whenever possible! Please get a Nvidia card... Please, take this bit of complexity out of the equation.

Rule #1 in LinuxMCE: Be patient...

Even quite seasoned Linux guys cram themselves in to a corner from "habit thinking" and sometimes over-complicate issues.. There's so much we can do with this system - but when we take the difficult choices we are sometimes struggling and wasting good time on stupid problems... Keep your eye on the ball, this is something we all should do. Solve the basics, and THEN add on.

Just my 2 cents.. And I am of course installing on a virtual server, and needing DVB cards... So I am not much smarter than anybody else, but I went there AFTER having a working install. 8)



 actualy i broke down and got a nvidia card ..... guess what HDMI audio dosnt work with it either -_- update alsa now im seeing the Nvidia HDMI with alsa i unmuted the channels and nada still tring to find what to do next