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Started by pointman87, November 05, 2011, 07:00:19 PM

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I have a problem which concerns all my MDs. When I'm trying to watch flash content In firefox or Hulu the picture is so choppy that it isn't watchable, the sound is all right thou. The problem are on both 8.10 and 10.04 so it doesn't seem to be version related. My MDs are one Acer Revo r3610 (ION) hooked up to a 40" Sony plasma at 1080p and hdmi audio, and one asus eeebox (ION2) hooked up to a LG 60" plasma through a devon 3310 receiver at 1080p. I have not tried to revert to 720p because i want to know if other people have the same problem. Im using the newest flash 11 from the repo.

Best Regards //Daniel
BR Daniel



Which driver are you using for hardware acceleration?  in Web admin > Devices > Media directors look under 'hardware acceleration' to find the driver name - you should be able to use 'vdpau' with your ION2.   

VDPAU is supposed to work for Flash 10.2 - what version are you running?
Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.


I have vdpau under hardware acceleration and flash player 11 so i to think that it should work like a charm, but no. The problem is the same in both LMCE and kde.

BR Daniel
BR Daniel




I have experienced picture stuttering and choppiness using HDMI audio on an nvidia ION MD as well.
I found the way it was resolved was setting the Media Director to "auto" instead of vdpau.

After doing this and rebooting the MD, all symptoms are gone, and watching HD content I am still getting very low CPU usages for X and Xine, MythTV, etc.

Perhaps give that a go.

Best Regards,

".....Because Once you've LinuxMCE'd....."
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Hi Seth, thanks for the suggestion but it didn't do any good. Im so confused over this.
Any more tips?

Best Regards. /Daniel
BR Daniel
