Author Topic: Problem in installation - hangs downloading  (Read 19981 times)


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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« on: February 06, 2007, 06:59:00 pm »

I'm having a bit of trouble installing Pluto... I'm doing a hybrid test install, the linux part installs, it prompts me for the extras cd and everything it copies files, and then it opens the cd drive with the extras cd, and says "Get:1 20dev/main pluto-std-plugins (33.5MB)" and it just hangs for a while and then times out.... If I press enter after the time outs, it just goes on with a bunch of "not found" messages, and when it restarts it boots into linux, then when it appears to try starting pluto it just errors and says "waiting for '5 minutes" and doesnt do anythig... I'm trying for the second time to re-install and it just hanged on the Get:1 thing....

am I doing something wrong? is the deb.plutohome just offline for now? is there a way to go back and continue the setup from where it times out? cause each time right now I just re-installed the whole setup...

Just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong...

thanks a lot!


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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 11:15:06 pm »
Eventually I got it working.... It took a few retries of the full install, and it went through.... probably some intermittent problems at the time I was attempting the install! sorry for wasting forum space... anyways, I'm eager to try this out! it looks very nice and I can't wait to get it all working!


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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 12:16:15 am »

I would recommend waiting until the next release date before assessing pluto as the version has many issues due to some bugs that were introduced during the current releaase.

We don't have an actual date for the next release but hopefully it is imminent given the wide range of issues experienced by the user base.

Previous releases although containing the occasional bug have proved what a great product Pluto is, so it is worth the wait



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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2007, 02:50:16 am »
Oh... I was unaware that this build was less stable than the previous ones...

I would like to test out a stable version.  Initially I'll only be using Audio/Video on demand (basically one central core with media storage, and being played from media driectors around the installation)... Am I correct in assuming that this will work with DVDs, including menus, closed captions, languages, etc?

Where can I obtain the "stable" version?

Thanks a bunch!

PS: perhaps it would be a good thing to include in the main download page a link to the "stable" and to the "current" release...


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.44 on ftp site
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2007, 03:45:59 am »


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wow must have been an issue with .44
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2007, 03:48:35 am »
It was there I promise!  I downloaded it yesterday.  No longer on ftp site...sorry for the miss information


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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2007, 03:51:04 am »
You mean .42?  Which one is the generally regarded as stable?

The one I got and I was told is unstable is .43... I'm currently downloading .42 as I understand that that one has less "new features"...

Let me know if for Audio/Video only an even older version is better....

thanks a lot!


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Stable version?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2007, 03:55:19 am »
Sorry Roy,

I am not sure what one to recommend...I have only run .43 and it is buggy.  .44 should be out anyday.  It was on the ftp site yesterday but is no longer there.  There must  have been issues.  I am disapointed in the level of information the makers provide on current status...Better I guess they are coding than reporting to us though :)


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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 09:38:47 am »

If you install the release it will probably try and upgrade itself via the internet during install so if you just want to test it out, disable internet access on the core until it is fully installed.  The you can disable the update feature from within pluto web admin.



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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2007, 04:14:39 pm »
Thanks for your help! I did install .42 last night and after messing for a while noticed it had said .43....

I'll try reinstalling without internet...



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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2007, 11:50:01 pm »

My suggestion would be to wait.
If you really want a stable version then that may still be some time.
Pluto have only been releasing development versions to date and my understanding is that they are now endeavouring to stabalise the code base for an official release.

This makes it hard to use at the moment as due to its nature it prefers to be the hub of the whole household, looking after internet traffic, firewalls etc so when it is not working it can be a real issue.

If you are only or at least primarily interested in media distribution you might want to just look at a MythTV installation only. There is a fair deal of information on using it and even complete distributions that make it easy to setup. This is the software that Pluto uses for this part of its functionaility as well.

Keep an eye on these forums to see how stable the next release is and you may want to give it a try then based on your assessment of the risk.

I don't want to sound too negative about it, just an attempt to manage expectations for what is still developing software.



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Problem in installation - hangs downloading
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2007, 01:38:50 am »
Hi Darren,

Thanks for your input... One of the things that has attracted me towards pluto is the Orbiter feature... (not so much the Mobile Orbitters, as imho, they are more gimmicks than real useful remotes, at least in my current conception)... the tablets/PDAs and other devices, however, are really cool, and would fit in perfectly with what I'd like to get working...

Further, the home automation part interests me because the application I'd like to use pluto on already has a full automation system, which could most probably be interfaced rather easily with Pluto.  

Nonetheless, since the home automation part would require a specific driver to be developped, etc, I'm more worried about getting something nice media-wise, and if possible also integrating Sony IP Cameras (I'm about to get reading on creating a Pluto template for it)...

I was under the impression that pluto was already working fairly well, however, which seems to be a big misconception based on the pluto website, and feature list (which led me to believe that it was really "ready" to handle all of the mentioned stuff)...

Oh well, I'm going to give it a bit more time, or eventually will have to move on yet again....

EDIT: One more thing, the network booting media directors are an amazing concept, and very positive in my analysis of what i'd like to see in a system...

thanks for your input though!