Thanks, I'm looking at the code now, the telling lines are 564-566:
Thu Oct 6 16:30:28 MDT 2011 - Starting NIC Discovery and Configuration
Using eth0 for single nic install
eth0 does not use DHCP, setting ExtUseDhcp=0 and RunDHCPServer=1 and detecting current network settings
Ok, so from your ifconfig output you surely are running two nics...
The way it's making this determination in the script is with this command:
ifconfig -s -a | awk '$1 != "Iface" && $1 != "lo" && $1 != "pan0" { print $1 }' | wc -l
When the script was run, only the number 1 was returned. If you run it now would you confirm that you get the number 2?