One problem solved. To install the Leviton VRCS2 we need to include first the Scene control (pressing the 2 buttons) and after (to include the local switches) press each of then (one by one) by 5 sec to include. If necessary I can include this in wiki (like a how to).
Hi edbroni, can you explain a little bit more the procedure, I have the same configuration and want to get the leviton vrcs2 running. What you mean is that you take the usb stick, press the button, It starts blinking and you go to the switch and press both at the same time, the stick shoud responde to that, put the stick back on the core and follow the wizard then, take the stick out, press the button again, go back to the switch and press each button one by one for 5 seconds, do the wizard again. Is this correct?