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Orbitor screen resolutuion on Flytouch 2

Started by magner, July 15, 2011, 10:59:38 PM

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Hey Mat,
From your 1st post:
"Incidentally, this is the value that you must enter in the touch orbiter settings"

Just to clarify, port number being 3641, I have been through the settings of my tablet touch orbiter. I cannot locate where such a number should be inputted. Could you please point me in the right direction.



Ohhh I think I get what went wrong. I think we misunderstood where you are inputting all these things. Reading back the whole thread I think I was careless and not taking into account everything you wrote.

Alright so ignore your static IP settings - change it back to default so that it assigns the device an IP address automatically. (that's where I misunderstood you). Now, where you want to put and 3641 is inside the LMCE application.

So once you launch the application press the Android menu button. You will see "Settings" and "Refresh Image". Press Settings.
For "LMCE Server" put:
For "LMCE Port" put: 3641
I'd also recommend changing the "Screen Orientation" to Lock Landscape.


D'oh! Hope it's as simple as that, and the tablet's settings aren't too messed up!
1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
my setup :: [url=""][/url]


I have an Acer A500 tablet with a resolution of 1280 x 800.  I selected the settings from the orbiter page, done a full regen, quick reload router and the screen resolution does not change.  It looks like the resolution for a small PDA. 

Do I need to go into the Child device created under the Core and set the resolution ?  It appears to update when I make a size in the orbiter page.  Just thinking what am I doing incorrect.

Any help appreciated.


I unfortunately can't remember if changing resolution in the orbiter or the device tree changes anything. My mobile phone has a resolution of 800x480 and under Orbiter I have no size selected (it says "-Please Select-") and under the device tree in the child device I have it set at 800 (width)x600 (height) - most likely default. I don't remember changing those so I guess the phone stretches appropriately or something as my image is perfect. I'm afraid it doesn't help you all that much but it's the best information I can give at least. Play around with it I guess.

Also make sure that, under the orbiter page, the proper UI is selected. I've got the default running there, again, which is "Normal Horizonatal (3:4)". Don't ask me why that works, I don't know :P I haven't played that much with the skins when it comes to Android. I've only played around with it on the JavaMO where things are just as confusing ^^ But it works for me so I'm not complaining.


Thank you Schmich for your direction. Seems the orbiter had the correct IP and port number already specified. I needed to refresh the screen through the LMCE software. Seems to have solved the problem.

No worries Mat, no damage done. Thanks for your efforts.

Marper, why don't you try out the android APK application. You wont need to mess around with resolution as the software does it automatically.



Thanks for the feedback.

Magner, I am running the apk.  Download and installed fine.  Created the proxy orbiter and it works like a charm.  However, it is not full screen at all, it does look a little like the size of a PDA screen

Added screenshot:


How does the screen look when you use web orbitor 2.0 ? Is it a problem with the APK app or the proxy orbiter I wonder...

maybe it might be worth trying to create another proxy orbiter and specify a different resolution.


When I use the Web browser it is positioned to the left of the screen and only half screen.  I have tried different configurations for sizes and none appear to have any affect.  I do a full regen after each change and restart the router, but I get the exact same size every time.

Any suggestions would appreciate it.


A quick question: When you change the size, do you change it in the dropdown list box, only? Or do you also change it in screen height and screen width fields?
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]



Try changing it in width and height as well, and see what happens.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


No change.  I adusted it on both areas 1.  In the generic proxy; 2.  under the orbiter.  it's still a small PDA look and feel.


maybe try and setup a different device such as a mobile phone to confirm your core does not have a corruption.



Did that and it perfectly fits my phone (Android, Samsung Vibrant)