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Adding New Media Scenario

Started by klanmce, March 31, 2011, 02:50:42 PM

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Did not finish the last post, son playing with keyboard.

The show file list, through what do I access this, a Template, etc?




(1) expose this parameter as a command parameter by adding a new command parameter to show file list

What template does this correspond to, so I can add the command, seem to have passed it?

My last two post were supposed to be one.


it needs to be added to the COMMAND, not the device template.. you can get to it by going into template #8 (the Orbiter template), and selecting the appropriate command group, and editing the command.. look under Orbiter Commands.



I have found the show file list and add a COMMAND to the parameter, there was a pk_Command, but simple added a COMMAND of type string.

Silly question

Is it safe to run DCEGen on my "production" system or I should I set up a test following



DCEGen is harmless, as it only creates source code.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


Quick question

When you choose merge on running DCEGen -d 8, I am seeing the Orbiter_temp folder created but no time change in the Orbiter folder, is it that this is where my changes go, and not in the Orbiter original folder?


If you choose M to merge, then your changes go into the src/Orbiter folder and are merged in with the existing code.



I could assume then, that the m is case sensitive, as such, it did not merge in the original directory, and created it in the temp directory, based on the fact that the time-stamp for the original directory did not change.


This is an invalid assumption, in that the time-stamp do not change and the m is not case sensitive.


Got a bit occupied, re-attempting

I got the function shown below

void Orbiter::CMD_Show_File_List(int iPK_MediaType,string sCommand,string &sCMD_Result,Message *pMessage)
   cout << "Need to implement command #401 - Show File List" << endl;
   cout << "Parm #29 - PK_MediaType=" << iPK_MediaType << endl;
   cout << "Parm #236 - Command=" << sCommand << endl;

tschak909, I am not going to lie to you, I am a little lost in where I am setting the parameter to check for the specific directory, step 3 below, as I was looking for similar actions in the Orbiter.cpp and not finding any; possible looking in the wrong location.

(1) expose this parameter as a command parameter by adding a new command parameter to show file list
(2) run DCEGen on the Orbiter device template, to get the new Show File List method inside Orbiter
(3) modify the method to check if this parameter is set, if so, set the appropriate sParams inside.

Thanks in advance


From the function prototype that you got, you didn't modify the command to add the additional command parameter.

You should get to the Show File List command either by going into the Orbiter device template (since it implements it), OR by using the Advanced > DCE > Commands menu in the web admin.

Seriously, this stuff is all there, if you just look around.



I found the Show File List command, edited the PK_MediaType (reflect the entry made for this purpose) and place MusicVideo in the command and save, also did a reload and regen of orbitors.

I think I dropped the ball somewhere, as it did not generate the MusicVideo scenario for me. Also if I go to create the scenario manually, I am not seeing the option to specify my new command(MusicVideo), or the Show File List.
