Wow. How long ago did you upgrade? This sounds scary. Is there a way to downgrade to previous version that worked within LMCE while this gets sorted out?
Some more snooping around and I found that the orbiter thinks it is doing its job. Here is a section of the OrbiterGen.log.1 in /var/log/pluto when I did a Full Regen all orbiters web admin command at the suggestion of posde:
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.708 Generation started <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.741 Locking orbiter before Generating 21 <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.742 Full regen for 21 <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.742 Generating 21 <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.742 Setting RegenInProgress_set to true for 21 <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.742 Generating: #21 OnScreen Orbiter <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.758 Building orbiter: 21 inst 1015712 <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.778 Use alpha 0 use mask 1 <0xb458c9a0>
05 03/10/11 8:19:54.789 ^[[33;1m***Warning*** No default user specified. Picking first one: 1^[[0m <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.790 Found OSD using size: 1920 1080 <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.790 Translating size: 1920 1080 <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:54.791 OrbiterGen::CheckRegen 21 now <1920,1080,675,675,15,4,00,0,0,0,N,M,,NO_OCG%> was <1920,1080,675,675,15,4,00,0,0,0,N,M,,NO_OCG> <0xb458c9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:55.421 Generation started <0xb45db9a0>
10 03/10/11 8:19:55.427 Locking orbiter before Generating 176 <0xb45db9a0>
"21" is the core/hybrid MD and "176" is a standalone MD. So the orbiter is merrily doing its job apparently even though the screen is showing nothing in my case. So now I am wondering if it is the hand off to the next step in the launch Manager process that is freezing things up in my case. Any thoughts?