1. To create a bookmark, is currently slightly awkward.. after creating the bookmark in the browser, you must exit the browser via the File menu. The Browser will exit properly and write out its bookmark file. We need to replace the browser entirely, with a more integrated solution, and it will come in time.
2. The VideoLan client and server devices were created at Pluto to solve a specific set of problems...I am unaware of their completeness at this point, but if you wish to use them, you need to remove your Xine Player from your device tree, as it has a higher priority than the VideoLan client. As this is unsupported, I do not know how well it will work.. If things break, merely re-add the Xine Player device back to your media director's on-screen orbiter. This is because the VLC device registers itself to the Stored Audio/Video media types, and is used in this capacity, there is no explicit media handler for them, and there will never be, as this is very counter-intuitive....The media plugin will always pick the media player that it deems appropriate for a given stream, usually determined by file type, and the value of the Priority device data.