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[solved] kobject_add_internal failed -> NOW -> failure to setup "X"

Started by mechuccio, January 25, 2011, 07:51:56 PM

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Hi everybody! (hi dr. Nick)

My name is Tonie an I'm from Holland and have been trying to get an LMCE setup working.

First of all I'd like to thank the developers for this fantastic package of software, even though I haven't had it running yet I'm very excited about its features! Secondly I'd like to add that I'm a complete and utter newb when it comes to Linux. I grew up using Dos so I'm not unfamiliar with a text based operating system which is of somewhat help to me, but still....

I've started a new job three weeks ago and I have to deal _a lot_ with Solaris from now on so I decided to start fiddling with Linux at home to get some better taste of the *nix OS's. And then I found the LMCE project *wow* excited!!

I had this P4 3GHz barebone PC standing somewhere doing nothing and decided that it had to become my core/hybrid.
I downloaded the latest 8.10 snapshot, the latest 8.10 beta for release and the latest 7.10 version and burnt them to DVD.
My first install of 8.10 led to nothing but a KDE desktop which, after installing the mce from desktop wouldn't boot anymore.
7.10 worked like a charm but wouldn't send an output to my DVI port (which in retrospect turned out to be a broken VGA card)
So started (or better tried) another install of the 8.10 version, this time the last beta for release. Well now, after I guess 8x installing it from scratch again and again, reading lots and lots of forums en fiddeling with VI I gout my sources-list as it should be, no more 404's or other errors, then I added a new (secondhand) Geforce card, an oldie, AGP 8x with 265MB of ram. Got video output on all three ports and ended up with a continuous reboot. So some more reading and fiddling later I managed to alter the file and got rid of the reboot bug *fingers-crossed* final reboot?

Nope ;D wouldn't you know.... Now it's stuck at what I suspect is the last part of the booting process.

So to be complete on relevant information (I hope)
The machine boots
I get the Kubuntu splash screen
I hear the special 80's game style series of beeps (very fast) but it won't react to the shift buttons.
When I press (and hold) the shift button prior to these beeps nothing happens.
When I press (and hold) the shift button after these beeps nothing happens except my computer will beep every second as long as I hold the shift button.
The computer just continues with its booting untill I get the last messages:
* stopping NTP server ntpd
* starting NTP server ntpd

After those messages the screens (monitor on VGA and television on DVI) will flash, sometimes simultaniously sometimes not, sometimes for the same amount of time sometimes the TV flashes a bit longer)

Now when I press ctrl+F2 to get a command prompt it asks me to log in, if I then become SU after a while it gives the following message:

dcerouter _1:/usr/pluto# [ 4958.490056] kobject_add_internal failed for vcs1 with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. [4958.490620] kobject_add_internal failed for vcsa1 with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory.

If I wait long enough this message will repeat itself on and on and on and so on, the number between [ ] will differ however every time.

Another thing, when booting 7.10 I could here the descending beeps, which after some time would be followed by ascending beeps, I don't get these ascending beeps while booting.

I can reach the admin page from any computer in my network by going to and change all settings. I can't however tell it to use my modem's IP adress as standard gateway, had that same problem with 7.10 but there I was able to go to KDE and set it as standard gateway after which internet worked with the Core/hybrid as DHCP.

So there I am, I have done everything in my power to get this machine running LMCE and I won't give up but also I don't know where to go from here, I have a feeling (or at least hope) that I've got some setting wrong or maybe I need to change some files or something but I really don't know anymore. Also and actually more so, I've got a 6 week old daughter and a lovely wife who was/is sweet enough to let me "waste" all my time on some computer between work and caring and playing for and with my daughter but her patience is running out I'm afraid  ;D

Well.... that's it for now. I really hope one of you guys can point me in the right direction to get this machine up and running again!


Oh, what may be usefull to note is that my computer has an onboard ATI radeon card but I'm using an Nvidia Geforce with VGA, PCI and S-video.
In my bios I can only set the priotity on bootup to AGP/PCI or PCI/AGP so I chose AGP/PCI.
I've checked the xorg.conf file, it shows (I think) the good values, Device0 Nvidia for VGA monitor and Device0 Nvidia for DVI monitor.


I need more specifics about your hardware.
What nvidia card?
Do you have 2 nics?
Not to go too basic... but does your bios have a setting to disable onboard rather than just choosing the port first?
How are you attempting to get sound, and if onboard... what is the board?
Try downloading the latest snapshot in the meantime.
You should not have to do anything to your xorg
I never quit... I just ping out.


Hey Thanks for your reply.

My Nvidia card is an 8X AGP GeForce 7600 256MB with VGA, DVI and S-Video.

I do have two nic's a 100Mbit onboard which is connected to my modem and a 1Gbit pci card which is connected to my router (with DHCP disabled) that setting worked perfect when I had 7.10 installed.

My Bios doesn't have a setting to completely disable the onboard VGA card, just the prio setting AGP/PCI or PCI/AGP

Sound is connected by 3,5mm jack stereo at the moment but it also has an optical output. Stereo output works, haven't tried optical yet.
My soundcard is onboard and the specs of my computer are:

Product Name and Model   ASUS Terminator 2-R Deluxe
Mobo      ASUS P4R8T
CPU   Intel P43.06 GHz Socket 478 800MHz FSB
Chipset   North Bridge: ATI RS300 South Bridge: IXP200
Memory   2 x 512MB DIMM DDR400
Expansion Slots   1 x PCI 1 x AGP 8X
Graphics   ATI Radeon 9100 Integrated Graphics
IDE   1x ATA100 40GB Maxtor
LAN   10/100 Mbps
Audio   ADI AD 1888
6 Channel Codec
1 x Microphone
1 x Headphone
1 x S/PDIF Out
7-in-1 Card Reader
1 x Line-in/Line-out/Mic-in
1 x PS/2 Keyboard
1 x PS/2 Mouse
1 x D-sub (VGA Out)
1 x Game / MIDI
FM Radio Antenna
1 x Serial Port

My current MCE install is with the latest snapshot, after a couple installs of the latest beta I decided to give that up and go with the newest and ask some help here ;)


I have not seen anything like the kobject error before. Let's see if correcting some probable errors will help.

You said you can get to the web admin from another machine. Go ahead and do that, at the top go to Advanced/Networking/Network Settings.
Click the assign DHCP radio. Set ranges for LMCE devices
Click the assign anonymous radio. Set ranges
Set internal IP to subnet

The card should be fine.

To be clear... this latest install, you changed the sources.list PRIOR to running the LMCE install script right? Currently it works best to change sources as soon as you get your first KDE desktop, then running
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
reboot, then run the install script on the desktop.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Thanks again for your reply :)

The IP settings for the network settings are the standard settings right?
Because they're allready set like that. When I had the 7.10 distro running I had 'em like that as well but still it wouldn't receive an IP adres from my modem by itself. When I logged into KDE from within MCE 7.10 I was able to set my modems IP adress as default gateway and it would use and distribute internet.
Is there maybe a command I can use on the promptline to hard set my standardgateway adress? 'cause at the moment I can't get into KDE or any other grafic shell.

Indeed I updated the sources.list prior to the MCE install and I did reboot after the update and dist-update.
To be exact, I did the following:

Boot from DVD
Choose option Install LinuxMCE
fill in all forms
choose option to use entire hdd
waited for the kubuntu install to finish
used the following list for sources.list:
Quotedeb file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/ ./
deb // intrepid  main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src // intrepid  main restricted universe multiverse
deb // intrepid-updates  main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src // intrepid-updates  main restricted universe multiverse
deb // intrepid  beta2
deb // stable  main
deb // intrepid  free non-free
deb // 20dev_ubuntu  main

deb // intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
deb // intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb // intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb // intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb // intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
deb // intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb // intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse

NOTE: As I'm a new user on this forum I'm not authorised to place links so I had to remove the http: part in the above list, but they're definitely present in my sources.list ;)

ran from konsole sudo apt-get update
ran from konsole sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (had to confirm twice)
opened console, logged in as SU
ran from konsole wget –c //
ran from konsole tar xvf new-installer-latest.tar.gz
ran from console cd new-installer
ran from konsole ./
ran from konsole ./
ran from konsole ./
got stuck with endless reboots, fixed this by changing the file
got stuck again and posted my situation here ;D


Ha, There is a slightly newer snapshot out now, which is 500MB smaller than my current snapshot.
So I'm downloading it and will be installing it later. *fingers crossed*

I'll post any news I have naturally!

Oh, what's the best way to go? Installing MCE with the script on the desktop or should I install it from konsole as I did my last (current) install?


Well, I installed the newest version.
Updated my sources.list
Ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade
started the script on desktop.
After installing MCE rebooted

And now I'm stuck with "failure to setup X"

It's a pickle ;D


I don't think you should be having this problem... but this might fix it for you.

recovery mode, root shell

Do NOT let it change your xorg when it asks.
Reboot and see if you can get to AVWizard

The reason I told you to set the network config is because the latest snapshots aren't doing it correctly for me.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Thanks again M8 :)
I've tried it and it seems to have helped me from my failure to setup x problem.
However all I get is the same blue screen on both my monitor and TV, just the message is gone.
Also, it didn't ask me for permission to change my xorg.conf, it just asked me if it was ok to check and update my Nvidia driver when necessary and I answered yes to that, it then told me to manually change my xorg.conf which I didn't do.
I did make a copy of my xorg.conf file as a backup so if something went wrong here I can always restore it.
Also I'm still able to enter the admin page, I changed my network a bit today, now it's like this:
Modem<-->WLAN router<-->Core/Hybrid<-->Wlan accespoint. Now everything works as it should and the misses can use her internet without having all kinds of trouble connecting cables and restarting modems and routers. I just have to choose with my laptop between the Internet network or the LinuxMCE network according to what I want to do with it.
But anyways, the Core/hybrid seems to work fine but just won't boot into the AVwizzard or the MCE shell.
I've red that there's a solution for that by changing settings in either the xorg.conf file or the admin page, but I don't want to screw anything up (any more than it is now ;D)

this might mean something... I just gave the manual command startx and the computer gives me the following message:

The NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:5:0 does not have the necessary power cables attached; X cannot use this GPU until the problem is rectified. Please shut down your computer, open its case, and attach all of the appropriate power connectors. Please see the documentation provided with your NVIDIA GPU for more details.
Screen(s) found, but none have a useable configuration.

Well now, I really don't know if I should connect anything to my card, the only remedy to find it out is open up the case, so again :D fingers crossed!


Quote from: mechuccio on January 27, 2011, 08:12:08 PM
Thanks again M8 :)
I've tried it and it seems to have helped me from my failure to setup x problem.
However all I get is the same blue screen on both my monitor and TV, just the message is gone.
Also, it didn't ask me for permission to change my xorg.conf, it just asked me if it was ok to check and update my Nvidia driver when necessary and I answered yes to that, it then told me to manually change my xorg.conf which I didn't do.
I did make a copy of my xorg.conf file as a backup so if something went wrong here I can always restore it.
Also I'm still able to enter the admin page, I changed my network a bit today, now it's like this:
Modem<-->WLAN router<-->Core/Hybrid<-->Wlan accespoint. Now everything works as it should and the misses can use her internet without having all kinds of trouble connecting cables and restarting modems and routers. I just have to choose with my laptop between the Internet network or the LinuxMCE network according to what I want to do with it.
But anyways, the Core/hybrid seems to work fine but just won't boot into the AVwizzard or the MCE shell.
I've red that there's a solution for that by changing settings in either the xorg.conf file or the admin page, but I don't want to screw anything up (any more than it is now ;D)

this might mean something... I just gave the manual command startx and the computer gives me the following message:

The NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:5:0 does not have the necessary power cables attached; X cannot use this GPU until the problem is rectified. Please shut down your computer, open its case, and attach all of the appropriate power connectors. Please see the documentation provided with your NVIDIA GPU for more details.
Screen(s) found, but none have a useable configuration.

Well now, I really don't know if I should connect anything to my card, the only remedy to find it out is open up the case, so again :D fingers crossed!

Lol... yes... there is very likely a mini-molex connector on your card. It requires its own power. It is either going to take a standard 4wire berg or mini-molex, or 6pin... I thought you had said it was an AGP card, so most certainly a 4 pin.

On the subject... what wattage is your PSU?

If it does not immediately come alive after plugging in, and your PSU has enough balls to rock it... you will probably want to do a fresh install.
I never quit... I just ping out.


I feel sooooooo FFing retarded right now......
It was a powercable I neglected to connect to my card. Didn't see it either when I plugged the card in but there we go.
I've got my LMCE fully up and running finally :)
A week of trial and more trial and now I can finally rest and my wife won't throw it out (sunday was my deadline ;D )

Thanks for your support L3mce!!!

I'm going to enjoy my system now!



I think everyone has done it at least once... don't kick yourself. Glad you are up and running.

You will want a decent PSU if you do not already have one. 650w or greater.
I never quit... I just ping out.


haha thanks!
About the PSU yeah, didn't really think of that.
I'll try to fetch a better one for this machine, don't really know what's installed from stock but the fact that there's just one power cable splitted up to five connectors makes me think :)
I'll sort that out tomorrow. Right now it's finishing i'ts final install and man did that AVWizzard screen look gooooood at 1080P :)


If you cannot make UI2 work, it is probably from my bad advice on a duct tape nvidia driver. You might just  do a fresh install. I find down the road it is best to get everything working the right way when possible. Everything is connected to something later on.

Good luck.
I never quit... I just ping out.