OK- tried something new-
Added: deb
http://mirrors.rit.edu/ubuntu/ precise main universe to my sources by added it to here:
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Then, started the owserver using this:
owserver --device=/dev/ttyUSB2 -p 4304
Then, started the owhttpd web client using this which creates a webpage on port 3000:
owhttpd -s localhost:4304 -p 3000
Most of the instructions are from here:
http://www.openremote.org/display/docs/OpenRemote+2.0+How+To+-+1-Wire+SensorsThe webpage shows (1) sensor with a temperature, so I got greedy and added another (2) to make sure it was working... unfortunately it still only says I have (1) thermocouple attached after restarting my core.
Edit: Leaving breadcrumbs... much quicker than core reboot...
You can kill a process using the follow:
/usr/pluto/bin/ForciblyKillProcess.sh OneWire
And restart using
/usr/pluto/bin/Spawn_Device.sh 124
Where 124 is MY device id- yours is likely different...