Author Topic: 1wire support  (Read 109630 times)


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Re: 1wire support
« Reply #210 on: February 18, 2012, 12:14:18 pm »
btw if you visit us in #linuxmce-devel on freenode we can run a debug session tonight (CET)
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Re: 1wire support
« Reply #211 on: March 03, 2012, 01:47:27 am »
No idea what happened...  reinstalled LMCE a couple times since previous posts and currently have an install where the 1wire was discovered as discussed in the wiki.  I wasn't expecting the child to be found, so wasn't really paying attention to the time between plugging in the sensor and when the log file discovered the device.  Thinking back, I probably should have checked the time stamps.  duh.  If I were to guess, probably 10 minutes or so.

For the sake of a record, I have this device:   (LinkUSBi if the URL changes) and five of their temperature sensors:

All (5) sensors were detected as children and were approximately reading the same temperature...  so, I've gone and started to play with it.  Currently removed all but (1) sensor which I put in my attic.  I've rotated the sensors out to see what would happen and it appears that the temperature reported remains static on the "missing" thermistors.  Very cool that it appears that the rest continue to function properly when one is lost.