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Preliminary 10.04

Started by mythtified, December 06, 2010, 08:45:34 PM

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I read this today:  Best regards Peer Oliver Schmidt Release Manager LinuxMCE Ohhhh, and one more thing: Preliminary support 1004 is available. This is more than bleeding edge. svn download the new-installer on a 1004 install, and see what happens.

I went to and did not find the installer.  Is there a different address?



My setup: [url=""][/url]



will there be a way to do a update from LinuxMCE 8.10 to 10.04?



Quote from: aico on December 06, 2010, 09:56:48 PM

will there be a way to do a update from LinuxMCE 8.10 to 10.04?


I think you may be jumping the gun a bit.  This is not ready for prime time and should not expect a way to update between the two versions yet.

Thx J. for the info.


We are all jumping the gun, it is true
I made those two wiki pages

Stay with the 0810 beta.
The dev's are working hard on it

As a sidetracked spinoff they are doing 1004
which needs some specific help and troubleshooting to let it work, that is what the wiki is for, it will not work for my mere mortals ;).

So please bear with us.
You can help by transfering all your assets to linuxmce, thank you for your patience.


Okay guys,

Right now, we've been updating the database, the installer scripts, and our builder scripts to generate packages that would be installed on top of Ubuntu 10.04.

However, this isn't all we have to do.

It's only the beginning.

RIght now, we are going through the discovery process to see what breaks when we try to install these packages onto 10.04. This isn't 'if' ... It's 'what' will break, and how.

Possy is working with a few brave souls, to get the necessary packages built so that they can do the very process described above. These individuals are experienced enough with the system  that they are able to accurately report back any issues they come across, and we systematically fix them...and we haven't gotten to the big issues that we KNOW we'll need to tackle, the big elephant in the room being the distribution upgrade to Asterisk 1.6, which has wildly different APIs to 1.4, and we already know that we will need to completely re-engineer our dial plans, and Asterisk DCE device to work with the many changes that the Asterisk people have made (anyone who can help us with this, please step up.)

We had decided to try and get ALL the pending bugs off our plate, for 0810 before declaring release. However; 0810's change to EOL caused us to quickly re-examine this decision. We will not base any more releases on top of October interims any more. We will ONLY build atop LTS releases. Period. End of story. from now on.

When we have a complete enough system functioning and passing our basic regressions, we will make an announcement that others should try it, not before.

For those that DO try to install atop 1004 at this time, you are on your own. We have enough on our hands at the moment doing dev work, and working with our current pool of testers, we simply can't help someone who does not know enough to help themselves at this point.

Thanks for your patience, more news to follow.


Completely understood.  I am not going to install over top of my working 810 machine on a whim.  I have the extra hardware and am merely curious.  I look forward to the beta.


Quote from: tschak909 on December 07, 2010, 12:13:37 AM
the big elephant in the room being the distribution upgrade to Asterisk 1.6, which has wildly different APIs to 1.4, and we already know that we will need to completely re-engineer our dial plans, and Asterisk DCE device to work with the many changes that the Asterisk people have made (anyone who can help us with this, please step up.)
Thanks for your patience, more news to follow.

Probably quite immature to comment on here, But just a quick question, are we going to use Asterisk 1.6 or 1.8?

just curious.



Agreed, Asterisk 1.8 has some nice features of which the most interesting is Google Voice interoperability.  Since it appears that LMCE is upgrading Asterisk anyway, why not 1.8?


Enigmus, we will upgrade to whatever the upstream version of Asterisk is in the distribution repository. Period.

Instead of people just talking, why don't some of you help us port the dial plans and Asterisk DCE device to 1.6?



Could you give a more elaborate description, because I do not know what you are talking about.



what Thom is trying to tell is, that we stick with the Asterisk version that comes with 1004.
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]



That's a valid deployment strategy. I wasn't attacking, just suggesting.  I apologize if I did not frame my comments to convey that appropriately.  I am not a developer and do not have the time, at present, to become so.  I'm sorry I can not help in that area.  I would appreciate your understanding of my position rather then attacking me for not providing development assistance.


Would you be interested in text files that captured the output of my failed attempt at installing lmce over 10.04?  I am not asking for help.  I am just trying to pass on info if you want it.


Good news! Will try it definitely. But without spamming you, guys, by help requests :)
Michael Stepanov,
My setup: [url=""][/url]
Russian LinuxMCE community: [url=""][/url]