Author Topic: 8.10 with new Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 what steps needed to get working?  (Read 3194 times)


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Recently, looks like squeezebox server (slimserver) was updated on 8.10 to the new 7.5.1 version through an apt-get upgrade. I  subsequently got two squeezebox radios and tried to get the whole house music working between them as outlined in the wiki:

The squeezeboxes are recognized and added to the system, but when I add them to separate rooms and then try and use the floorplan under the media map to connect them, there is no control--no on off, no/volume, no channel either singularly or together--with either the media director interface or the quite nice Roaming Orb app for the iPhone. So far, only thing I have tried to rectify the situation was based on this post that said I should change the port from the default 9090 to 7890 on the CLI settings plugin--but still no joy:

BTW, I didn't do any of the setup outlined for 7.10 using the net UDAP utility as it seems like all this was done through the interface on each device:

Since the two squeezebox device are controllable from the squeezebox server on 8.10, it seems like I'm missing something in the setup/configuration in the web admin.

Has anyone successfully used the new squeezebox server with 8.10 and, if so, what are the magic steps?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: 8.10 with new Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 what steps needed to get working?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2010, 10:01:42 am »

Try to connect the SB to the system with the ethernet connection. I have to do this with my SB2 to make it controllable via LMCE. I know that technically it shouldn´t make any difference, but this was the solution for me. Give it a try!


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Re: 8.10 with new Squeezebox Server 7.5.1 what steps needed to get working?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2010, 08:26:03 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion, I tried it and i I did get it to work in the SB to SB mode! 

However, my original post was based on the assumption that the squeezebox server could deliver content to the Media Director based on what was playing on the SB server. As far as I can tell, this is an erroneous assumption, unless an additional SB device is directly attached to the MD. Is this how it works for you?

if so, it seems to me that getting the SB server to declare itself as a SB device to lmce--thereby saving the lmce user the additional expense of attaching another SB device that duplicates MD functions--would be a very valuable addition to the system. already does this on its fedora-based SB server (identifies itself as a SB device) and this enables you to simultaneously play music on it as well as the other SBs in your home.

Before I go further down this road, I just wanted to be sure that I have the current lmce-SB server relationship right.

In any case, thanks for your help, it is deeply appreciated.