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Sony STR DA3000es rs232 control

Started by jwilczek, October 19, 2010, 06:27:52 PM

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I have 3 of these receiver's that i would like to use in my setup. I was wondering if anyone has got one working with the rs232 port on it? I have been trying to work my way thru adding it in the Admin webpage but I'm not having much success. Maybe there is a template out there that will work and I just haven't tried it?? I have a doc from Sony on their rs232 protocol if needed I can email it.

Thanks, Joe


Joe, you will need to create a new device template for your device. You should look at the RX-Vx00 (RS232) template, as a guide... Specify that you want to make a GSD device (RS232) when you create the new template...

Read the GSD pages on the wiki to get started.



Thom, I've got some more done on GSD, I started a template, I looked at the one you state for somewhat of an example. My device takes hex commands to control it though. If you could just tell me what the ruby code for say vol up I can plug in the rest of them the hex is 0x02 0x06 0xA0 0x52 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x02 0x04

Thanks for all your help again,


In ruby, you can specify the hex byte as \x##

so for example, 0x01 0x02 0x03 would become




Well after putting in some of the basic commands for now and trying to send a command to the device I still have no joy. The log is talking about a projector for some reason? One thing I havn't figured out yet either is where do I tell it the baud rate and parity information for this device? This is what I'm getting


Light at the end of the tunnel!!! I did some more searching for others making GSD templates and came up with the format of <$"/x00/x00"$> format to put my hex codes in. Had to change the "This Device is controlled by" to "Computers" and now I am able to send some commands to the device successfully. I entered all of my inputs but I can't test them because they don't show up in the "send command to device" menu, not a big deal though as I know they would work if LMCE sends the command out. The main one I would like to see work though with the test is the power command, it doesn't try to send the code out at all according to the log, I mean nothing at all shows up in the log when I try to send it. I copied the command over to the Virtual Power commands and it works when I send them. Any ideas?

Thanks, Joe