Author Topic: Devices for developers  (Read 2565 times)


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Devices for developers
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:59:51 pm »
Testing is currently being done to use a secure sip secret for the extensions we use for the telecom subsystem.  It is a bit troublesome for us, as developers to ensure a unified experience with devices and their integration with LinuxMCE since we don't have most of the devices for testing.  I have an interest in making sure that as many devices as we can possibly support are plug and play with LinuxMCE and that to streamline the setup of each device as much as we can.

That said, I've been deep into the telecom side for over a month now hammering out fixes and changes to get this subsystem back into shape.  Does anyone have devices that We currently have templates for that they would be willing to donate for this effort?

The plan is, once we have a handle on this with the current devices and features to then pursue support of other phones, but right now I need to get ahold of gear that already has templates.
