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'Reporting child devices' event - how to use it ?

Started by tinia, November 13, 2006, 10:40:33 PM

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I'm writting device driver in Perl for my home automation system. I communicate with it over rs232 and have module detection feature, so I can get list of connected devices...

I see that Apex Destiny 6100 is using 'Reporting child devices' event. I'd like to get more info on that :

- does reporting child devices actually adds new devices to Pluto and does nothing if such device already exists ?

- what do I exactly have to do to be able to fire such event from my driver ?

Thanks in advance,




Hi Rob,
The command 'ReportChildDevices' is called each time the device is starting.
You have to report all the child devices which are available, the report has information about the type of child device, room, the internal id (as you will manage it, NOT pluto).
Ex: [internal id] \t [description] \t [room name] \t [device template] \t [floorplan id] \n
The internal id will be available as device data 'Port/Channel Number'.
Once you have sent your report as an answer(event) to the command, you will get all the child devices.


Quote from: "eugen.c"
Hi Rob,
The command 'ReportChildDevices' is called each time the device is starting.
You have to report all the child devices which are available, the report has information about the type of child device, room, the internal id (as you will manage it, NOT pluto).
Ex: [internal id] \t [description] \t [room name] \t [device template] \t [floorplan id] \n

I'm a bit rusty - device receives command from DCERoter. It responds with report. But I'm not sure how to report more devices and on which tcp port should I send this report and how to make distinction between devices descriptions (records). Can you please give some more info (even better example) ?

Quote from: "eugen.c"
The internal id will be available as device data 'Port/Channel Number'.
Once you have sent your report as an answer(event) to the command, you will get all the child devices.


Hmm see answer on upper question. Device responds with event. Can you please provide example command line with MessageSend for reporting 3 child devices ?

Thanks in advance,

