Hi All
I'm in the planning stages of migrating from MythTV to LinuxMCE. I know that I will have to migrate my current file stores from my custom ones to the MCE defaults, and will have to update host names for the backend/core among other things. I'll try and keep a note of the changes I have made to create a Wiki page for others thinking about the migration.
One thing that I would like to know is, after I have migrated the backend functions from my current MythTV Backend to the MCE Core, can I connect my current Myth Frontend to the new core (once I have updated where it is to find the backend)? Or has there been to many MCE customizations for a standard MythTV Frontend to connect and work successfully?
It would be of advantage to the WAF to initially have a seamless migration (read "she has no idea it has happened") while I tune the backend and get the MD's operational.