I'd like to request a new feature - in the web UI's Basic Info > Installation page, have an option to select the desired power consumption of the entire LinuxMCE system (ie Green/Balanced/Performance). This option might also be available in the orbiter, or configurable programmatically (dcerouter/C++), or even just based on the current house mode. If set for Green, LinuxMCE switches all Orbiters to a dark theme, aggressively powers down MDs, blanks screens, dismounts storage, reduces/increases climate temp based on outside temp, turns off A/V gear, etc. Balanced is the standard setting, but should be tuned beyond the current 8.10b2, which seems to run the flickr screensaver constantly. Performance would automatically start devices in the areas around your location/level based on your location in the floorplan (ie for large installs), quickly engage perimeter lighting, use all unused displays for the flickr screensaver, etc.
This introduces new useful scenarios in which you want your homes power mode to switch to green when your away for an extended period of time, time of day, etc, or when you want your home in performance mode for party/demonstration situations. I think this is a very useful and marketable feature that could potentially reduce the carbon footprint of large installs and potentially LinuxMCE users overall, while
expanding the already obvious existing cool factor. More brainstorming is certainly needed... Chime in if you can