I've seen all the posts about the black screen after installing. This issue is a little different.
I have my core up and running, and I've plugged my first diskless MD into the switch and booted it PXE. It's an older Toshiba laptop, P4-2.0 with Geforce 4 onboard graphics. The machine boots, but when the AV wizard is supposed to come up, the entire LCD screen turns white, like every pixel slowly fades from black to white over about 5 seconds.
I've tried the number keys, and the machine responds with a little beep, then tosses me back out to the console for a couple seconds, then the screen goes black and begins fading to white again.
I believe this is a problem with the Nvidia driver, though I'm unclear how to diagnose or troubleshoot it without being able to see the screen.
For the record, there is nothing wrong with the laptop. It has Fedora 12 on the hard drive and runs beautifully with the restricted driver enabled (96.x Legacy). This is only a problem when booting the diskless image.
By the way, this is a 8.10b2 installation.
Please help?