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Cover art won't go away

Started by davegravy, September 23, 2009, 01:29:00 AM

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I used the import-attributes-from-amazon feature a while back, and somehow due to my screwing with things alot of my cover art got assigned to the wrong mp3s. Due to the large amount of incorrectly assigned art, I've decided I want to start again with assigning cover art.

I've done the following:

1) moved all my mp3s out of the /home/public/data/audio directory into a temporary directory.
2) cleared the pluto_media table as instructed in
3) deleted all .id3 files from the temporary directory
4) deleted all files contained in /home/mediapics and /home/coverartscan
5) using mediamonkey tagging software, removed all album art from all mp3s in the temporary directory
6) moved mp3s back into /home/public/data/audio
7) ran resynchronize media from the web admin

Here is a sample of the output:

The album art returns. It seems to have stored somewhere other than the locations I've been clearing. Can someone explain how to thoroughly cleanse my library, short of doing a reinstall? I'm out of ideas.


Quote from: davegravy on September 23, 2009, 01:29:00 AM
5) using mediamonkey tagging software, removed all album art from all mp3s in the temporary directory

Did you verify with mp3info or similar, that your mp3s really do not have the image tagged to them?
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


root@dcerouter:~/tempmedia/Dave/Joe Pass/Appassionato# mp3info -x 03\ Body\ and\ Soul.mp3
File: 03 Body and Soul.mp3
Title:   Body and Soul                  Track: 3
Artist:  Joe Pass
Album:   Appassionato                   Year:  1990
Comment:                                Genre: Jazz [8]
Media Type:  MPEG 1.0 Layer III
Audio:       128 kbps, 44 kHz (stereo)
Emphasis:    none
CRC:         No
Copyright:   No
Original:    Yes
Padding:     Yes
Length:      4:56

Then again, I tried mp3info with an mp3 that I know DOES have art embedded, and it didn't indicate as such. I looked through the manpages for mp3info and couldn't find anything relating to album art.



Before you moved your mp3 or id3 tags out of public/data/audio directory did you go into media files sync and uncheck "Update Media Daemon"?

When I'm playing with id3 tags, trying to remove coverart if I don't do this and I delete from my NAS updatemedia recreates from synch'd media.

If I delete the synch'd media and not the NAS updatemedia resync's the coverart from the NAS.

To get rid of it I uncheck "Update Media Daemon", delete the tag from the NAS, delete the tag from Media Files Synch so that the "Legend for Files" icon says that the the it exists only on disk.

Then you can check "Update Media Daemon" move this back to the audio directory and let updatemedia synch the DB again.

Try it out on one tag first to see if it works for you.



Thanks for the suggestion.

Turns out, that if I turn off "update media daemon", move the file out to a temp directory, resynchronize via web-admin, delete files not in database via web-admin, remove the coverart using mediamonkey, wipe all Id3v1 and Id3v2 tags using mediamonkey, resynchronize tags to mediamonkey's database, move the file back to the /audio directory, resynchronize via web-admin, it works.

(At least it did with one mp3. I'm going to try the above process for my whole library next).